
英语口语2024-03-22 02:14:35小编





Inturn的音标为 /ɪnˈtərn/。


1. 作为动词使用时,inturn通常接在及物动词后面,表示按照轮流或交替的顺序进行某项活动。

- The employees took turns to work overtime, inturn allowing each other to rest.


- The two countries have agreed to inturn provide military assistance to each other.


2. 作为副词使用时,inturn通常放在句子末尾,表示按照轮流或交替的方式。

- The students will take turns presenting their projects, and the teacher will inturn give feedback.


- In a democratic society, people can freely express their opinions and inturn listen to others' opinions.



1. The team members will inturn take on different roles during the project.


2. The two sides have agreed to inturn provide aid to the disaster-stricken areas.


3. The company's executives will inturn attend the annual shareholders meeting.


4. We should take turns doing the housework, and inturn have more time for ourselves.


5. The two countries have reached an agreement to inturn open up their markets to each other's products.



1. Alternately: 作为副词使用,表示“交替地”或“轮流地”。

- The students will alternately give presentations and listen to others' presentations.


- They alternately laughed and cried while watching the movie.


2. In rotation: 作为名词使用,表示“轮流,循环”。

- The workers take turns working in rotation, so that everyone can have a day off.


- The students have to take courses in rotation, so they can't choose all the classes they want.



Inturn是一个常用于商业和场景中的英文单词,表示“轮流,交替”的意思。它可以作为动词或副词使用,在句子中的位置和搭配都有一定的规律。在商业谈判、协商等场景中,使用inturn可以让双方更加公平地进行交流和决策。同义词包括alternately和in rotation,它们也可以用来表达类似的意思。在写作时,我们应该根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式,并注意用法和搭配的准确性。
