
英语口语2024-03-22 10:17:04小编






1. 作为名词:

a. 放飞风筝:He loves to fly a kite in the park.(他喜欢在公园放飞风筝。)

b. 风筝比赛:The annual kite festival is coming soon.(每年一次的风筝节即将到来。)

c. 风筝线:Be careful not to get tangled in the kite string.(小心不要被风筝线缠住。)

2. 作为动词:

a. 放飞:The children are excited to go out and kite today.(孩子们今天很兴奋要出去放飞风筝。)

b. 利用…使悬浮:The bird kites on the wind currents for hours without flapping its wings.(这只鸟在气流上盘旋数小时,而不需要拍打翅膀。)


1. The little boy ran through the field with his kite flying high in the sky.(小男孩在田野里奔跑,手中的风筝在天空高高飞翔。)

2. My dad helped me build a kite from scratch and we had a great time flying it together.(我爸爸帮我从零开始制作了一只风筝,我们一起放飞它度过了美好时光。)

3. The kite got stuck in a tree and we had to use a long stick to get it down.(风筝卡在了树上,我们不得不用一根长棍子把它取下来。)

4. The kite festival was a huge success with hundreds of colorful kites filling the sky.(风筝节取得了巨大的成功,数百只五颜六色的风筝填满了天空。)

5. She loves to watch the kites dancing in the wind, it brings her a sense of peace and joy.(她喜欢看着风中舞动的风筝,这给她带来了平静和快乐的感觉。)


1. Airfoil:n. 翼型物体,如飞机、导弹等。(例:The shape of the kite is similar to that of an airfoil. 风筝的形状与翼型物体相似。)

2. Delta:n. 三角形。(例:The delta-shaped kite is more stable in strong winds. 三角形的风筝在强风中更稳定。)

3. Glider:n. 滑翔机。(例:The kite was designed to resemble a glider in flight. 这个风筝的设计模仿了滑翔机的飞行。)

4. Sled:n. 雪橇。(例:The sled-shaped kite is perfect for flying in light winds. 雪橇形状的风筝非常适合在微风中放飞。)

5. Kite-flying:n. 放风筝活动。(例:We had a fun day of kite-flying at the beach yesterday. 昨天我们在海滩上度过了一个有趣的放风筝日。)


