
英语口语2024-03-22 10:47:11小编


knockdown是一个形容词,意思是使人或物倒下或击倒的。它也可以作为动词使用,意思是击倒、打倒或降低价格。这个词源于英语中的“knock down”,其中“knock”意为敲打,而“down”则表示向下。它可以用来形容物体被撞击后摔倒,也可以用来描述价格的降低。




1. 形容词:当作形容词使用时,knockdown通常用来描述人或物被打倒或摔倒的情况。

- The strong wind knocked down the trees in the park.(强风把公园里的树都吹倒了。)

- The boxer delivered a powerful punch and knocked down his opponent.(拳击手发出一记有力的拳头,把对手打倒了。)

2. 动词:作为动词时,knockdown有两种常见用法。

- 意思是“击倒、打倒”:

- The police officer knocked down the suspect with one swift move.(一招将嫌疑犯击倒在地。)

- The basketball player was knocked down by his opponent during the game.(篮球运动员在比赛中被对手撞倒了。)

- 意思是“降低价格”:

- The store is having a sale and has knocked down the prices of all their products.(这家商店正在搞特价活动,把所有商品的价格都降低了。)

- The landlord knocked down the rent for the apartment by 20%.(房东把公寓的租金降低了20%。)


1. The strong storm knocked down power lines and left the whole town without electricity.(强烈的风暴把电线杆都吹倒了,整个城镇都断电了。)

2. The construction workers had to use a crane to knock down the old building.(建筑工人不得不用起重机拆除那座旧楼。)

3. The company decided to knock down the price of their new product in order to attract more customers.(公司决定降低他们新产品的价格,以吸引更多的顾客。)

4. The football player was knocked down by the opposing team's defender and had to be taken off the field on a stretcher.(足球运动员被对方的后卫撞倒,不得不被用担架送离场地。)

5. After months of negotiation, they finally managed to knock down the price of the house by 10%.(经过数月的谈判,他们最终成功将这栋房子的价格降低了10%。)


1. Knock over:意为“打翻、撞倒”,常与物体相关。

:The cat knocked over the vase on the shelf.(猫把架子上的花瓶打翻了。)

2. Bring down:意为“使倒下、击败”,常用于比喻性的语境。

:The team worked together to bring down their opponents and win the championship.(这个团队一起合作,击败对手赢得了冠。)

3. Lower:意为“降低、减少”,常用于描述价格或程度的变化。

:The store has lowered the prices of all their products for the holiday season.(这家商店为了节日季节把所有商品的价格都降低了。)


