
英语口语2024-03-22 14:30:04小编






1. 作为名词:

- He received the laurels for his outstanding performance in the competition. (他因在比赛中表现出色而获得了桂冠。)

- The actor was crowned with laurels for his brilliant performance in the play. (这位演员因在戏剧中出色的表演而被授予桂冠。)

2. 作为动词:

- The company is hoping to laurel their employees with bonuses for their hard work. (公司希望通过给员工发放奖金来表彰他们的辛勤工作。)

- The coach was praised for his ability to laurel his team to victory. (教练因其激励团队取得胜利的能力而受到赞扬。)


1. The young musician's talent has earned her many laurels in the music industry. (这位年轻的音乐家的天赋为她在音乐界赢得了许多荣誉。)

2. The school's basketball team has been consistently winning and bringing laurels to their school. (学校的篮球队一直保持胜利,并为学校带来了荣誉。)

3. The author's latest book has received numerous laurels from critics and readers alike. (这位作家的最新作品获得了评论家和读者们的众多赞誉。)

4. The company's CEO was awarded the laurels of Business Leader of the Year for his exceptional leadership skills. (公司的CEO因其出色的领导能力被授予年度商业桂冠。)

5. The athlete's hard work and dedication paid off when he finally won the laurels at the Olympic Games. (这位运动员的辛勤付出和专注终于在奥运会上获得了桂冠。)


1. honor:名词,指“荣誉、尊敬”,常用于表彰某人或某事物。

- She was honored with a medal for her bravery in saving a child's life. (她因救下一名儿童而被授予勋章以表彰她的勇气。)

- The company was honored with the Best Employer award for its employee-friendly policies. (该公司因其员工友好的而被授予最佳雇主奖。)

2. accolade:名词,指“赞扬、荣誉、奖励”,常用于表彰某人或某事物。

- The actor received many accolades for his outstanding performance in the play. (这位演员因其在戏剧中出色的表演而获得了许多赞扬。)

- The company's efforts to promote sustainability were recognized with an accolade from the government. (该公司为推动可持续发展所做的努力获得了的赞誉。)

3. glory:名词,指“荣耀、光荣、壮丽”,常用于形容某人或某事物的辉煌和壮丽。

- The athlete's victory brought glory to his country and made him a national hero. (这位运动员的胜利给他的带来了荣耀,并使他成为国民。)

- The ancient city is known for its architectural glories and historical significance. (这座古城以其建筑壮丽和历史意义而闻名。)

4. triumph:名词,指“胜利、成功、凯旋”,常用于强调战胜困难或取得重大成就。

- After years of hard work, her triumph finally came when she was offered a job at her dream company. (经过多年的努力,她终于在梦想的公司获得了一份工作,这是她的胜利。)

- The team's triumph in the championship game was celebrated with a parade in the city. (该队在冠赛中的胜利被城市里的庆祝。)


