
英语口语2024-03-22 16:24:19小编



1. 名词:一种用来装水或其他液体的容器,通常是由混凝土、砖块或石头堆砌而成的。

2. 名词:指井字形的符号,由两条相交的直线组成,上方为横线,下方为竖线。

3. 名词:指井字形的结构物,用来供水或排水。

4. 动词:挖掘井;在地面上建造或修建井。



1. 作为名词时,表示一种用来装水或其他液体的容器。:

- The village has no running water, so we have to draw water from the well. (这个村子没有自来水,所以我们必须从井里打水。)

- He fell into the well while trying to fix the pump. (他在试图修理泵时掉进了井里。)

2. 作为名词时,表示一种符号或结构物。:

- The character "井" is composed of two intersecting lines, one horizontal and one vertical. (汉字“井”由两条相交的直线组成,一条是横线,一条是竖线。)

- The old well in the backyard has been there for centuries. (后院里那口古老的井已经存在了几个世纪。)

3. 作为动词时,表示挖掘井或建造井。:

- The villagers spent months digging a well in the dry ground. (村民们花了几个月的时间在干旱的土地上挖了一口井。)

- The government plans to build more wells in rural areas to provide clean water. (计划在农村地区建造更多的井,以提供清洁的水源。)


1. The old man sat by the well, gazing into its depths. (老人坐在井边,凝视着它的深处。)

2. She drew water from the well and carried it back to her house. (她从井里打水,然后把它带回家。)

3. The children played a game of hopscotch, drawing the squares with a piece of chalk on the ground near the well. (孩子们玩跳房子游戏,在离井不远的地面上用粉笔画出方格。)

4. The ancient city was surrounded by high walls and had a deep well at its center for water supply during sieges. (这座古城被高墙包围,中心有一口深井,在围攻时供应水源。)

5. In some cultures, throwing coins into a wishing well is believed to bring good luck or grant wishes. (在某些文化中,向许愿井投硬币被认为能带来好运或实现愿望。)


1. 水井(shuǐ jǐng):指供水用的井,也可以指井字形的结构物。

2. 泉(quán):指地下水源涌出的地方,也可以指喷泉。

3. 井口(jǐng kǒu):指井的开口处,也可以指进入井内的。

4. 井深(jǐng shēn):指从地面到井底的距离,也可以比喻某件事情的难度或复杂程度。


