
英语口语2024-03-22 20:39:13小编


[唯一] wéi yī





1. 这是一件非常特别的事情,这种机会可谓是举世无双的唯一。

This is a very special thing, and this opportunity can be said to be the only one in the world.

2. 她的歌声有着独特的魅力,在这个领域里她是独一无二的唯一。

Her singing voice has a unique charm, making her the only one in this field.

3. 这幅画作是他唯一留给我们的珍贵遗产。

This painting is the only precious legacy he left us.

4. 她拥有着独特的审美观,她每次选择的服装都是与众不同的唯一。

She has a unique aesthetic sense, and every outfit she chooses is a unique one that stands out from others.

5. 他们之间有着特殊而唯一的关系,即使分隔两地也无法改变。

They have a special and unique relationship, which cannot be changed even if they are separated by distance.


独特 (dú tè):指与众不同,与其它事物不同或具有某种特色。


