
英语口语2024-03-23 19:52:05小编




lookat的音标为[lʊk æt]。


1. 作为动词时,lookat常用于表示注视或观察某物或某人。它可以单独使用,也可以与介词to连用。

例:She looked at the painting for a long time.(她长时间地看着这幅画。)

The teacher looked at the students and smiled.(老师看着学生们笑了。)

2. lookat也可以表示“瞄准”某物或某人,这时常与介词for连用。

例:The hunter looked at the deer through his binoculars.(猎人通过双筒望远镜瞄准了鹿。)

3. 作为名词时,lookat指的是外表或外观。

例:I like the look of this dress.(我喜欢这件裙子的样子。)

4. 另外,lookat也可以接受-ing形式的动词作补语。

例:She looked at him, smiling.(她朝他微笑着看去。)

5. 在口语中,lookat还可以表示“考虑”、“认真考虑”、“思考”等意思。

例:I'll have to look at it more carefully before I make a decision.(我得在做决定之前认真考虑一下。)


1. She looked at the photo album and smiled.(她看着相册,微笑着。)

2. The little girl looked at the butterfly with curiosity.(小女孩好奇地看着蝴蝶。)

3. He looked at me with suspicion in his eyes.(他眼里带着怀疑地看着我。)

4. The teacher asked us to look at the diagram and answer the questions.(老师让我们看图回答问题。)

5. I couldn't help but look at her beautiful dress when she walked into the room.(当她走进房间时,我忍不住看了她漂亮的裙子。)


1. gaze:指长时间地凝视某物或某人。

例:The lovers gazed into each other's eyes lovingly.(情侣们相爱地凝视着对方的眼睛。)

2. stare:指目光集中地盯着某物或某人,通常有点粗鲁或无礼。

例:He stared at me as if I had said something wrong.(他盯着我,好像我说错了什么话似的。)

3. glance:指迅速地瞥一眼。

例:She glanced at her watch and realized she was running late for the meeting. (她瞥了一眼手表,意识到自己要迟到开会了。)

4. peek:指偷偷地看一眼。

例:The children peeked through the window to see what their parents were doing.(孩子们偷偷地从窗户里往外看,看父母在干什么。)




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