
英语口语2024-03-24 11:09:09小编






1. 作为形容词:

a. 指代有生命的:Only mortal beings can experience the pain of losing a loved one.(只有有生命的个体才能体会失去所爱之人的痛苦。)

b. 指代致命的:The venom of this snake is mortal to humans.(这条蛇的毒对人类来说是致命的。)

c. 指代必死的:We are all mortal and will eventually die.(我们都是必死之身,最终会死去。)

2. 作为名词:

a. 指代一个有限生命的个体:He was just a mere mortal, but he achieved great things in his lifetime.(他只是一个普通人,但他在一生中取得了巨大成就。)

b. 指代普通人:The superhero saved the mortals from the evil villain's attack.(超级从邪恶反派手中救出了普通人。)


1. The mortal body is fragile and vulnerable to diseases.(有生命的身体是脆弱的,容易受到疾病的侵袭。)

2. The soldier's wounds were mortal and he passed away on the battlefield.(士的伤口是致命的,他在战场上去世了。)

3. We should cherish every moment of our mortal lives and make the most out of it.(我们应该珍惜我们有限的生命,并充分利用它。)

4. The ancient Greeks believed that gods were immortal while mortals were subject to death.(古希腊人认为神是不朽的,而凡人则必须面对死亡。)

5. She was a mere mortal, but her kindness and generosity touched the hearts of many.(她只是一个普通人,但她的善良和慷慨感动了许多人。)


1. Human:指代属于人类种族的个体。

例句:Humans are the only species on Earth with the ability to reason and think critically.


2. Finite:指代有限的、有尽头的。

例句:Our time on this planet is finite, so we should make the most out of it.


3. Mortal being:指代有生命的个体。

例句:Even though we are mere mortal beings, we have the power to change the world for the better.


4. Impermanent:指代不永恒的、暂时的。

例句:All things in this world are impermanent, including our mortal lives.


5. Transient:指代短暂存在的、易逝的。

例句:Life is transient, so we should make the most out of every moment.



mortal这个单词可以用作形容词或名词,意思是“有生命的,必死的,致命的”。作为形容词时,它可以指代有生命、致命或必死的状态;作为名词时,它可以指代一个有限生命的个体或普通人。同义词包括human、finite、mortal being等。在使用时需要注意区分其作为形容词还是名词,并根据语境选择合适的同义词进行替换。


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