
英语口语2024-03-24 16:56:08小编






1. 作形容词时,negative通常放在名词前面,用来表示某人或某事物具有消极的特征或性质。

- He always has a negative attitude towards life. (他总是对生活持消极态度。)

- The article received a lot of negative feedback from readers. (这篇文章收到了读者们很多的负面反馈。)

2. 作名词时,negative指代一种态度或观点,即对某事物持否定、反对的看法。

- She always tries to find the negative in every situation. (她总是试图从每个情况中找出消极的一面。)

- The team leader is known for his negativity towards new ideas. (这位团队领导以对新想法持否定态度而闻名。)

3. 在数学中,negative也可用来表示负数。

- Negative numbers are usually represented by a minus sign (-). (负数通常用减号(-)表示。)

4. 在摄影术语中,negative指的是底片,即胶片上的负像。

- The photographer developed the negative and printed it into a beautiful photograph. (摄影师冲洗了底片,并将其印成一张漂亮的照片。)


1. Her constant negative comments about my work really bring me down. (她对我的工作持续不断的负面评价让我很沮丧。)

2. The negative effects of pollution on the environment are becoming more and more evident. (污染对环境的负面影响越来越明显。)

3. Don't be so negative all the time, try to see the positive side of things. (不要总是那么消极,试着看到事物的积极一面。)

4. The film received mostly negative reviews from critics, but it was a box office success. (这部电影收到了大多数评论家的负面评价,但却在票房上取得了成功。)

5. A negative attitude towards failure can prevent you from reaching your full potential. (对失败持消极态度会阻碍你发挥出全部潜力。)


1. pessimistic:指对事物持悲观、消极看法的人或态度。

- He has always been a pessimistic person, always expecting the worst to happen. (他一直是个悲观主义者,总是预料最坏的事情会发生。)

2. adverse:指不利的、有害的,通常用来形容某种影响或结果。

- The adverse weather conditions caused delays in the flight schedule. (恶劣的天气状况导致航班延误。)

3. unfavorable:指不利的、不受欢迎的,强调对某人或某事物不利。

- The company's financial report showed an unfavorable trend for the third quarter. (公司财务报告显示第三季度出现了不利趋势。)

4. cynical:指对事物持怀疑、冷嘲热讽态度的人或言论。

- He has a very cynical view of politics and politicians. (他对和政客持非常怀疑的看法。)

5. defeatist:指对失败持悲观、灰心丧气态度的人。

- We can't afford to have any defeatist attitudes if we want to succeed in this project. (如果我们想在这个项目中取得成功,就不能有任何灰心丧气的态度。)




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