
英语口语2024-03-25 04:29:46小编






outfromunder通常作为动词短语使用,后面可以接名词或代词作宾语。也可以在句子中作为形容词短语,修饰名词。它也可以被改写为out from under,意思相同。


1. She finally managed to get outfromunder her controlling parents and live her own life. (她终于成功摆脱了父母的,开始过自己的生活。)

2. After years of struggling, the company was able to get outfromunder its debt and become profitable again. (经过多年的挣扎,公司终于摆脱了债务,重新盈利。)

3. The team was able to come outfromunder the shadow of their previous defeat and win the championship this year. (这支球队成功走出上次失败的阴影,在今年赢得了冠。)

4. He felt like he couldn't breathe, but then he finally broke free and came outfromunder the pile of rubble. (他感觉自己无法呼吸,但最终他成功挣脱,在废墟堆中逃出来。)

5. She was finally able to outfromunder her ex-husband's control and start a new life with her children. (她终于成功摆脱了前夫的,和孩子们开始了新生活。)


1. Break free from: 从某种束缚或限制中解脱出来,强调成功摆脱。

例句:She broke free from the toxic relationship and found happiness on her own. (她摆脱了有毒的关系,自己找到了幸福。)

2. Escape from: 逃离某种危险或不利的情况。

例句:The prisoners managed to escape from the high-security prison. (囚犯们设法从高安全监狱逃脱。)

3. Get out of: 摆脱某种责任、义务或不良情况。

例句:He needs to get out of this contract, it's not beneficial for him at all. (他需要摆脱这份合同,对他一点好处都没有。)

4. Shake off: 摆脱某种困扰或不良影响。

例句:She couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt for cheating on the exam. (她无法摆脱因为考试作弊而感到的内疚感。)


outfromunder是一个常用的英语短语,意思是“从某种不利的或压迫性的情况下解脱出来”。它可以作为动词短语或形容词短语使用,通常用来形容成功摆脱困境或压力的状态。同义词包括break free from、escape from、get out of和shake off,但它们在用法和强调方面有所不同。使用outfromunder可以让句子更加生动有力,表达出成功克服困难的成就感。


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