
英语口语2024-03-25 05:31:27小编




overthere的音标为 /ˌoʊvərˈðɛr/。


1. 作为副词,overthere表示在一个特定的地方或位置。它可以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词。

- I left my keys over there on the table.


- The store is just over there, next to the post office.


- She looked over there and saw her friend waving at her.


2. 作为介词,overthere表示在某个位置之上或之外。

- The moon is over there in the sky.


- We need to climb over there to reach the of the mountain.



1. The restaurant we are going to is just over there, across the street.


2. Can you see the bird flying over there in the sky?


3. The park is not far from here, just over there behind the library.


4. I think our hotel is over there, on the other side of the river.


5. Look, there's a rainbow over there in the distance!



1. yonder:也是表示“在那边”的意思,可以作为副词或介词使用。

- The mountains yonder are so beautiful.


- We need to go yonder to find a better place to camp.


2. beyond:也可以表示“在那边”的意思,但更强调距离感。

- I can see a castle beyond those trees.


- Our destination is just beyond that hill.


3. there:也可以用来指代某个特定的位置,但它更常用来指代比overthere更近的地方。

- My bag is right there, next to the door.


- I think we should s there for a break.





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