
英语口语2024-03-25 08:47:22小编



n. (贬)暴发户,暴发的富人;(尤指)新贵



1. He was a parvenu who had no idea how to behave in polite society.


2. The parvenu tried hard to fit in with the aristocracy, but everyone could see that he didn't belong.


3. The new CEO was seen as a parvenu by the old guard of the company, who were used to more traditional leaders.


4. The parvenu's lavish lifestyle was the talk of the town, but many people secretly looked down on him.


5. Despite his wealth, the parvenu still felt like an outsider among the old money families.



1. Upstart (n.) - a person who has suddenly risen to wealth or high position, especially one who behaves arrogantly; (adj.) - behaving in a proud and arrogant way because of sudden wealth or success.

例句:The upstart businessman thought he could buy his way into the upper class, but he was met with rejection and disdain.

2. Nouveau riche (n.) - a person who has recently become rich, especially one who is ostentatious or lacking in good taste; (adj.) - characteristic of or belonging to the newly rich.

例句:The nouveau riche couple showed off their wealth by buying expensive cars and designer clothes.

3. Parvenue (n.) - a person who has recently or suddenly acquired wealth, status, or power, but has not yet gained acceptance into high society; (adj.) - characteristic of or belonging to such a person.

例句:The parvenue actress tried hard to fit in with the elite crowd at the party, but her lack of sophistication was evident.


Parvenu一词通常带有贬义,暗指那些暴发户缺乏教育、品位和社会地位。它可以用来形容那些突然发家致富的人,但并不具备上流社会应有的素养。同义词包括upstart和nouveau riche,它们也都带有贬义,指的是那些突然富裕却缺乏教养和品位的人。编辑建议在使用parvenu一词时要注意语境,避免冒犯他人。


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