
英语口语2024-03-25 09:21:05小编






1. 作形容词时,pastoral通常用来描述农村地区的景色、生活方式或氛围。:

- The village was surrounded by pastoral landscapes, with rolling hills and green fields.


- He longed for a more pastoral life, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.


2. 作名词时,pastoral指代一种文学体裁——田园诗。:

- The poet's most famous work was a collection of pastoral poems that celebrated the beauty of nature.


3. 还可以用来指代牧师或牧羊人的生活和工作。:

- The young pastor was drawn to the pastoral lifestyle, and decided to move to a small village to serve as a local clergyman.


4. 在音乐领域,pastoral也可以表示一种风格,通常用来形容柔和、优美、抒情的音乐作品。:

- The symphony's third movement has a pastoral feel, with its gentle melodies and peaceful atmosphere.



1. The pastoral scenery of the countryside was a welcome change from the busy city life.(乡村地区田园般的景色是繁忙城市生活中令人欢迎的改变。)

2. The novel is set in a pastoral village, where the main character finds peace and happiness among the simple way of life.(这部小说设定在一个田园村庄,主人公在简单的生活方式中找到了平静和幸福。)

3. The concert featured a beautiful pastoral symphony, which transported the audience to a peaceful countryside.(音乐会上演奏了一首优美的田园交响乐,让观众仿佛置身于宁静的乡村。)

4. The pastor's pastoral duties included leading church services, visiting the sick and counseling troubled members of the congregation.(牧师的工作职责包括主持教堂礼拜、探访病人以及为教众中困扰的人提供咨询。)

5. The poet's pastoral poems captured the beauty and simplicity of rural life, inspiring many readers to appreciate nature more deeply.(这位诗人的田园诗描绘了农村生活的美和简单,激发了许多读者更深刻地欣赏自然。)


1. rustic:形容“乡村风格”的,常用来形容粗糙但朴实的东西。:“The restaurant has a rustic charm with its wooden tables and chairs.”(这家餐厅有着木质桌椅带来的乡村风情魅力。)

2. bucolic:意为“牧歌般的”,常用来形容田园风光或生活方式。:“The bucolic landscape was dotted with grazing sheep and blooming flowers.”(牧歌般的风景中点缀着吃草的羊群和盛开的花朵。)

3. idyllic:形容“田园诗般的”,通常用来形容宁静、美好、理想的场景。:“They spent a week in an idyllic cottage by the lake, enjoying the peaceful surroundings.”(他们在湖边一座田园般的小屋里度过了一周,享受着宁静的环境。)




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