
英语口语2024-03-25 20:35:14小编



二:读音为 [pəʊst ˈædʌlt grəʊθ],其中“post”发音为 [pəʊst],意为“后”,“adult”发音为 [ˈædʌlt],意为“成年人”,“growth”发音为 [grəʊθ],意为“增长”。


四:1. Her post-adultgrowth was remarkable, as she became more confident and independent after graduating from college.(她的成年后的增长令人瞩目,大学毕业后她变得更加自信和独立。)

2. The post-adultgrowth of the company has been steady, with a significant increase in profits in the past year.(公司的成年后增长一直稳定,在过去一年中利润有显著增加。)

3. We need to focus on our post-adultgrowth and continue learning and improving ourselves even after we reach adulthood.(我们需要关注我们的成年后增长,在达到成年之后继续学习和提升自己。)

4. The post-adultgrowth of the city has been remarkable, with new infrastructures and developments being built every year.(这个城市的成年后增长令人瞩目,每年都有新的基础设施和发展项目建成。)

5. His post-adultgrowth in terms of emotional intelligence has been impressive, as he has become more empathetic and understanding towards others.(他在情商方面的成年后增长令人印象深刻,他变得更加善解人意,对别人更加理解。)

五:同义词及用法:post-maturity、adult development、post-adolescent growth等。这些词都可以用来描述成年后的发展和进步。

六:编辑总结:post-adultgrowth是一个描述成年人发展和进步的词语,可以用来描述不同方面的变化和进步。它可以作为名词或形容词使用,读音为 [pəʊst ˈædʌlt grəʊθ],可以与其他同义词互换使用。在写作中,我们可以通过举例或对比来更好地解释其含义,并且要注意避免重复使用该词语。


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