
英语口语2024-03-25 22:49:23小编




prep [prep]


1. 表示时间关系:at(在…时候)、on(在…日子)、in(在…期间)

:I have a meeting at 9 am. (我有一个在上午九点。)

We are going to the beach on Sunday. (我们打算星期天去海滩。)

She studied in London for three years. (她在伦敦学习了三年。)

2. 表示空间关系:in(在…里)、on(在…表面)、under(在…下面)、beside(在…旁边)

:The book is in the drawer. (书放在抽屉里。)

There is a picture on the wall. (墙上有一幅画。)

The cat is under the table. (猫躺在桌子下面。)

He sat beside me during the movie. (电影期间他坐我旁边。)

3. 表示方向关系:to(到…地方)、from(从…来)、through(穿过…)、towards(朝向…方向)

:I'm going to the supermarket to buy some food. (我要去超市买些食物。)

She came from France. (她来自法国。)

We walked through the park to get to the museum. (我们穿过公园去博物馆。)

The car is heading towards the city. (车子开向城市。)

4. 表示关系:of(…的)、for(为了…)、with(和…一起)

:The color of the sky is blue. (天空的颜色是蓝色的。)

I bought a gift for my friend's birthday. (我为朋友的生日买了一份礼物。)

She went to the party with her boyfriend. (她和男朋友一起去参加派对。)


1. I have a meeting at 9 am. 我有一个在上午九点。

2. The book is in the drawer. 书放在抽屉里。

3. She came from France. 她来自法国。

4. We walked through the park to get to the museum. 我们穿过公园去博物馆。

5. She went to the party with her boyfriend. 她和男朋友一起去参加派对。


1. about:表示“关于”,常用于介词短语中,:We talked about our plans for summer vacation.

2. over:表示“在…之上”,常用于介词短语中,:The plane flew over the mountains.

3. beside:表示“在…旁边”,常用于介词短语中,:She sat beside me during the concert.

4. throughout:表示“遍及…”,常用于介词短语中,:He traveled throughout Europe last year.

5. towards:表示“朝向…方向”,常用于介词短语中,:They walked towards the beach.




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