
英语口语2024-03-26 00:27:07小编


priority [praɪˈɔːrəti]






1. 表示时间上的优先级

- The project has been delayed, so we need to set new priorities.


- I'm sorry, but I have to leave now. I have other priorities.


2. 表示地位或重要性上的优先级

- Health should be everyone's priority.


- Education is a priority for our government.


3. 表示优先考虑的事项

- Safety is our number one priority.


- We need to prioritize our spending and focus on the most important things.


4. 表示某人或某物被赋予的优先权

- The company has given priority to customer satisfaction.


- The students with higher grades will be given priority in the scholarship selection process.



1. My family is my priority, and I always make sure to spend quality time with them. (我的家庭是我最重要的事情,我总是确保和他们一起度过高质量的时间。)

2. The government has promised to give priority to improving public transportation in the city. (承诺把改善城市公共交通放在首位。)

3. In order to meet the deadline, we need to prioritize our tasks and focus on the most important ones first. (为了赶上截止日期,我们需要给任务排序,先专注于最重要的事情。)

4. The hospital has a triage system in place to determine which patients should receive medical treatment first based on the severity of their conditions. (医院有一个分诊,根据病情的严重程度确定哪些患者应该先接受医疗治疗。)

5. The company's priority is to increase its market share and expand its business globally. (公司的首要任务是提高市场份额,扩大全球业务。)


1. precedence:名词,意为“优先;优先考虑的权利”。与priority意思相近,但更偏重于地位或权利方面的优先级。

- The boss's orders take precedence over everything else.


- The safety of the passengers should take precedence over the airline's profit.


2. preference:名词,意为“偏爱;喜好;优先选择”。与priority意思相似,但更强调个人倾向或选择。

- My preference is to work in a quiet environment.


- She always gives preference to organic food over processed food.


3. primacy:名词,意为“首位;第一位”。与priority意思相近,但更强调在地位或重要性上排在第一位。

- In this company, customer satisfaction takes primacy over everything else.


- The primacy of human rights is recognized by all civilized nations.





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