
英语口语2024-03-26 00:57:05小编




problemchild的音标为[ˈprɑbləm tʃaɪld]。


作为一个名词,problemchild通常用来指代那些行为不端、惹人讨厌或者难以的孩子。它可以作为单数形式使用,也可以加上-s变成复数形式。:The teacher always has a hard time dealing with the problemchildren in her class.(老师总是很难处理她班上那些问题儿童。)

此外,在口语中也可以将problemchild作为一个形容词使用,表示某人或某物有着令人头疼的问题或困难。:My new car has been a real problem child since I bought it.(我买了这辆新车以后就一直出现各种问题。)


1. She's such a problem child, always causing trouble in class.(她真是个麻烦的孩子,在课堂上总是惹麻烦。)

2. The school has a special program for problem children to help them improve their behavior.(学校有一个特殊的项目,帮助问题儿童改善他们的行为。)

3. He's known as the problem child of the family, always getting into fights and breaking rules.(他在家里被称为问题儿童,总是打架和违反规定。)

4. The company's CEO described the new product as a problem child due to its low sales and high production costs.(公司的CEO将这款新产品描述为问题儿童,因为它的销售额低,生产成本高。)

5. The teacher tried her best to handle the problem child in her class, but nothing seemed to work.(老师尽力处理她班上的问题儿童,但似乎都没有用。)


1. Troublemaker:与problemchild意思相近,指那些经常制造麻烦或者引起纠纷的人或事物。:The new student turned out to be a real troublemaker, always picking fights with his classmates.

2. Delinquent:指那些犯罪、不遵守社会规范的人。也可以用来形容有着不良行为习惯的孩子。:The police have been dealing with a group of teenage delinquents in our neighborhood.

3. Rebel:指那些权威、违背社会规范的人。可以用来形容有着叛逆行为的孩子。:The rebel students refused to follow the school's dress code and got suspended.

4. Wild child:指那些行为放荡不羁、难以的孩子。也可以用来形容成年人。:She's known as the wild child of the family, always partying and staying out late.

5. Menace:指那些危险或者具有威胁性的人或事物。也可以用来形容有着恶劣影响力的孩子。:The new student is a real menace to the other kids, always bullying and causing trouble.




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