
英语口语2024-03-26 03:58:11小编



proxyvote是一个由两个单词组成的复合词,由“proxy”和“vote”组成。根据Cambridge Dictionary的定义,proxy指的是“代理人”,而vote指的是“投票”。因此,proxyvote可以理解为“代理投票”。





1. proxyvote作为名词使用时,表示“代理投票”的过程或行为。

- Shareholders who are unable to attend the meeting can cast their votes through a proxy.


- The decision will be made by proxy vote.


2. 作为动词使用时,proxyvote表示“通过授权他人自己行使投票权利”。

- I will proxyvote my shares to my lawyer.


- The shareholders can choose to proxyvote their shares to a designated person.



1. Shareholders can vote in person or by proxy at the annual meeting.


2. The company's CEO was unable to attend the meeting, so he authorized his assistant to proxyvote on his behalf.


3. Proxyvoting is a common practice in corporate governance, especially for large companies with numerous shareholders.


4. The shareholders were able to pass the resolution through proxyvoting, despite not being physically present at the meeting.


5. Proxyvoting allows shareholders to exercise their voting rights without having to attend the meeting in person.



1. Proxy: 作为名词时,表示“代理人”或“委托人”。作为动词时,表示“授权他人自己行使权利”。

- The shareholders can appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf.


- He was chosen as the proxy for the absent shareholder.


2. Proxyholder: 作为名词时,表示“代理人”或“受托人”。通常与proxy一起使用。

- The proxyholder will vote on behalf of the shareholders who are unable to attend the meeting.


- The proxyholder must act in the best interest of the shareholders.


3. Proxy form: 作为名词时,表示“委托书”或“授权书”。通常用于指股东委托给他人行使投票权的表格。

- Please fill out and return the proxy form before the meeting.


- The proxy form must be signed by the shareholder and submitted to the company before a certain deadline.



proxyvote是一个由两个单词组成的复合词,指的是通过授权他人自己行使投票权利的过程。它可以作为名词和动词使用,通常用于商业和领域,特别是股东大会或股东上。通过proxyvote,股东可以在无法亲自出席时行使投票权利,从而保证其利益不受损害。除了proxy之外,还有一些类似的词汇,如proxyholder和proxy form,在理解proxyvote的含义时也应该加以了解。总的来说,proxyvote是一个重要的商业术语,在股东大会和企业治理中具有重要作用。


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