
英语口语2024-03-26 05:49:07小编




[pʊt ʌp]


1. 描述物体的位置或状态改变:putup可以表示将物体抬起或举起。:

- Please put up your hand if you have any questions. (如果你有任何问题,请举手。)

- She put up her umbrella to shield herself from the rain. (她撑起伞避雨。)

2. 贴出、张贴:putup也可以表示将东西贴在墙壁或其他表面上。:

- The students put up posters to promote the event. (学生们贴出海报宣传活动。)

- The police put up a notice warning people not to park in this area. (张贴了一份通知,告人们不要在这个区域停车。)

3. 安排、安顿:putup还可以表示安排某人住宿或提供住处。:

- We can put you up for the night if you need a place to stay. (如果你需要住处,我们可以安排你过夜。)

- My parents always put me up when I visit them during holidays. (假期我去看望父母,他们总是给我安排住处。)

4. 忍受、容忍:putup也可以表示忍受某种不愉快的情况或人。:

- I can't put up with his constant complaints anymore. (我再也无法忍受他的不断抱怨了。)

- She has put up with her boss's bad temper for years. (她多年来一直容忍老板的坏脾气。)


1. He put up a brave fight against the illness, but unfortunately, he lost in the end.(他勇敢地与疾病作斗争,但不幸的是最终失败了。)

2. The company decided to put up the prices of their products due to the increase in production cost.(由于生产成本上涨,公司决定提高产品价格。)

3. We're going to put up some new shelves in the living room to store our books and DVDs.(我们打算在客厅里搭些新的架子来存放书籍和DVD。)

4. The hotel was fully booked, so we had to put up at a nearby motel instead.(酒店客满了,所以我们只能在附近的汽车旅馆住宿。)

5. I can't believe she can still put up with his rude behavior after all these years!(这么多年过去了,她还能忍受他粗鲁的行为,真是难以置信!)


1. Raise: 与put up相同的意思是“举起、抬起”,但它更常用于描述物体的位置或状态的改变。

2. Post: 与put up相同的意思是“贴出、张贴”,但它更常用于指或海报等。

3. Accommodate: 与put up相同的意思是“安排、安顿”,但它更常用于表示提供住处或满足某人的需求。

4. Tolerate: 与put up相同的意思是“忍受、容忍”,但它更强调对不愉快情况或人的容忍能力。

5. Endure: 与put up相同的意思是“忍受、容忍”,但它更强调经历艰难或困苦时的坚强。


Putup这个单词有多种含义,可以表示物体位置或状态改变、贴出海报、安排住处以及忍受不愉快情况等。它可以作为动词使用,也可以作为名词使用,putup your hand(举手)和a putup job(假装)。除了以上介绍的用法外,putup还有其他一些特殊用法,在不同语境中可能会有不同含义。因此,在使用时需要根据具体情况来理解。


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