
英语口语2024-03-26 07:57:13小编






1. 作动词时,常用于表示折磨、使痛苦的意思。:

- The pain was so intense that it felt like someone was racking my body.


- He was racked with guilt for what he had done.


2. 作名词时,通常指一种支撑物、架子或货架。:

- The wine bottles were stored on wooden racks in the cellar.


- She bought a new book rack for her growing collection of novels.


3. 作形容词时,常用于描述身体或心灵上的折磨。:

- He was in a racking pain after the accident.


- The racking guilt was eating away at her.



1. The constant racking of his brain to find a solution exhausted him. (他不断地苦苦思索,试图找到解决方案,最终精疲力尽。)

2. The prisoners were subjected to racking torture in order to extract information. (囚犯们遭受折磨,以获取。)

3. She could feel the racking sobs wrack her body as she mourned the loss of her loved one. (她感觉到哭泣的抽搐撕裂着她的身体,因为她悼念失去的亲人。)

4. He had spent hours racking his brain, trying to remember where he had left his keys. (他花了几个小时苦苦思索,试图记起自己把钥匙放在哪里了。)

5. She was racked with indecision as she struggled to choose between two equally appealing job offers. (她因为无法决定而感到内心痛苦,在两个同样吸引人的工作机会之间挣扎着。)


1. Torment: 作名词时意为“折磨”、“使苦恼”,作动词时意为“折磨”、“使痛苦”。:

- The child's constant crying was a torment to his parents. (孩子不断的哭泣让父母感到痛苦。)

- He was tormented by the guilt of betraying his best friend. (他因为背叛自己最好的朋友而感到内疚折磨。)

2. Agony: 作名词时意为“极度痛苦”、“折磨”,也可指“极度焦虑”。:

- She was in agony after breaking her leg. (她因为断腿而感到极度痛苦。)

- The uncertainty of the situation caused him great agony. (形势的不确定性让他非常焦虑。)

3. Torture: 作名词时意为“拷问”、“折磨”,作动词时意为“拷问”、“折磨”。:

- The prisoner was subjected to brutal torture in order to extract a confession. (囚犯遭受残酷的拷问,以获取供词。)

- The thought of losing her loved ones tortured her mind. (想到失去亲人让她心中不堪重负。)




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