
英语口语2024-03-26 08:55:57小编




Rankin的读音为 /ˈræŋkɪn/。


1. 作为名词:

- The CEO of the company holds a high rankin the business world. (这家公司的CEO在商界有很高的地位。)

- She has been promoted to a higher rankin the military. (她已经晋升到中更高的职位。)

- The country's education system is ranked among the in the world. (这个的教育在世界上排名靠前。)

2. 作为动词:

- Please rankthese candidates according to their qualifications. (请根据他们的资格对这些候选人进行排序。)

- The students were asked to rankthe books in order of preference. (学生们被要求按照偏爱程度对这些书籍进行排序。)

- The restaurant is ranked as one of the best in the city. (这家餐厅被评为城市中最好的之一。)


1. The company's products are of high quality, which has helped it maintain its rankin the market. (公司的产品质量很高,这帮助它在市场上保持了地位。)

2. The students were asked to rankthe books according to their level of difficulty. (学生们被要求根据书籍的难度进行排序。)

3. The team's performance this season has been outstanding, resulting in a higher rankin the league. (这个赛季球队的表现出色,导致它在联赛中排名更高。)

4. The website ranksarticles based on their popularity among readers. (这个网站根据文章在读者中的受欢迎程度进行排名。)

5. She was rankedas one of the athletes in the country and was invited to compete in international tournaments. (她被评为该国最顶尖的运动员之一,并被邀请参加国际比赛。)


1. Position:指某人或物所处的位置或地位,与rankin含义相近。

- He holds a high position in the company. (他在公司担任着重要职位。)

2. Grade:指某人或物所处的等级或级别,通常用于教育或。

- She is in the 11th grade at school. (她在学校读11年级。)

- He was promoted to a higher gradein the army after his impressive performance. (他因表现出色而被晋升到中更高的级别。)

3. Order:指某人或物所处的顺序或排列,与rankin意义相近。

- The books were arranged in alphabetical order. (这些书按字母顺序排列。)

- He was listed in the orderof importance for the project. (他被列为该项目中重要性的顺序。)

4. Evaluate:指对某人或物进行评价或评定。

- The teacher evaluatedthe students' performance based on their test results. (老师根据学生们的考试成绩对他们的表现进行了评价。)

- The company evaluatesits employees annually to determine promotions and raises. (公司每年对员工进行评估,以确定晋升和加薪情况。)




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