
英语口语2024-03-26 09:39:18小编




rattle [ˈrætl]


1. 作为名词时,可用于描述物体发出的响声或人们快速而无序地说话。:“The rattle of the train woke me up.”(火车的哐当声把我吵醒了。) “She couldn't concentrate with all the rattle in the office.”(办公室里喋喋不休的谈话让她无法集中注意力。)

2. 作为动词时,常用于描述物体发出响声或人们快速而无序地说话。:“The windows rattled in the strong wind.”(强风中窗户发出了哗啦啦的响声。) “He rattled off a list of excuses for being late.”(他一连串地说了几个迟到的借口。)

3. 作为形容词时,常用于描述物体松散的状态或发出咔嗒声的特征。:“The screws on the chair were loose and it felt rattle.”(椅子上的螺丝松动了,坐起来感觉很松散。) “The old car's engine made a loud rattle noise.”(那辆老爷车的发动机发出很大的咔嗒声。)


1. The baby's toy had a small bell inside, so it made a soft rattle sound when she shook it.(宝宝的玩具里面有一个小铃铛,所以她摇晃时会发出轻微的咔嗒声。)

2. The old man's voice was just a rattle, but his eyes were full of life as he shared stories from his youth.(老人说话时只是发出一阵阵哑哑的声音,但他眼中充满了生气,他分享了年轻时的故事。)

3. The earthquake caused the dishes in the cupboard to rattle and fall to the ground.(地震导致橱柜里的盘子发出哗啦啦的响声并掉落在地上。)

4. The politician rattled off his campaign promises during the rally, but many were skeptical of their sincerity.(家在上背诵了他的竞选承诺,但许多人对其真诚性持怀疑态度。)

5. The old bicycle's chain was loose, causing it to rattle loudly as the boy rode down the street.(那辆老自行车的链条松动了,男孩骑着它在街上行驶时发出很大的咔嗒声。)


1. Clatter:作为动词,意思与rattle相似,都是发出响亮的咔嗒声。:“The pots and pans clattered as they fell from the shelf.”(锅碗瓢盆从架子上掉落时发出哐当哐当的声音。)作为名词,则指这样的响声。

2. Chatter:作为动词,意思是“喋喋不休地说话”或者“发出连续而快速的声音”。:“The birds were chattering in the trees.”(鸟儿在树上叽叽喳喳地叫着。)作为名词,则指这样的谈话。

3. Jangle:作为动词,意思是“使发出刺耳的声音”或者“使慌乱”。:“The keys jangled in his pocket as he ran down the stairs.”(他跑下楼梯时口袋里钥匙发出叮当的声音。)作为名词,则指这样的声音。

4. Racket:作为动词,意思是“发出嘈杂的声音”或者“喧闹”。:“The kids were racketing around the house, making it hard for me to concentrate.”(孩子们在屋里吵吵闹闹,让我很难集中注意力。)作为名词,则指这样的噪音。

5. Clank:作为动词,意思是“发出沉闷的金属碰撞声”。:“The chains clanked as the prisoners walked down the hallway.”(囚犯走过走廊时铁链发出沉闷的哗啦声。)作为名词,则指这样的响声。




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