
英语口语2024-03-26 12:53:06小编




referto的音标为 [rɪˈfɜːtəʊ],读作“ri-fer-to”。


1. 提及某人或某事:当我们想要提到某人或某件事情时,可以使用refer to这个短语。它通常放在句子的开头或中间部分,后面跟着被提及的人或事物。

例:I would like to refer to my colleague, who has been working on this project with me.(我想要提到我的同事,他和我一起在这个项目上工作。)

2. 涉及到某个话题或概念:当我们想要谈论一个话题或概念时,也可以使用refer to这个短语。它通常放在句子的中间部分,后面跟着被涉及的话题或概念。

例:The article refers to the importance of mental health in the workplace.(这篇文章谈论了工作场所心理健康的重要性。)

3. 指代特定内容:refer to还可以用来指代特定内容,相当于“指”的意思。它通常放在句子的末尾,后面跟着被指代的内容。

例:Please refer to the attached document for more details.(请参考附带的文件获取更多细节。)

4. 在法律文件中使用:refer to也可以用来指代法律文件中的特定条款或内容。它通常放在句子的开头或中间部分,后面跟着被指代的内容。

例:As stated in the contract, both parties must refer to the arbitration clause in case of any disputes.(合同中明确规定,双方在发生争议时必须参照仲裁条款。)


1. The speaker referred to his childhood experiences during the presentation.


2. The article refers to a recent study about the effects of social media on mental health.


3. Can you please refer to page 10 for the answer?


4. The lawyer referred to a specific law in his argument.


5. As mentioned earlier, we will now refer to our marketing strategy for the upcoming year.



1. Mention:也可以表示“提及”、“涉及”,但它更常用于正式场合,语气更为严肃。

例:The article mentions the importance of mental health in the workplace.(这篇文章提及了工作场所心理健康的重要性。)

2. Allude to:也可以表示“提及”、“涉及”,但它更强调暗示或间接地提到某事物。

例:The speaker alluded to his difficult childhood during the interview.(演讲者在采访中暗指他的艰难童年。)

3. Refer back to:表示“回顾”、“重温”,指回到之前提到过的话题或内容。

例:Let's refer back to our previous discussion and see if we can come up with a better solution.(让我们回顾一下之前的讨论,看看是否能找出更好的解决方案。)

4. Cite:也可以表示“提及”、“引用”,但它通常用于学术论文或法律文件中,指明来源。

例:The author cited several studies in support of his argument.(作者引用了几项研究来支持他的论点。)

5. Touch upon:表示“谈到”、“触及”,强调轻描淡写地提到某事物。

例:The speaker briefly touched upon the ic of climate change during the conference.(演讲者在上简单谈到了气候变化的话题。)


通过以上的内容可以看出,referto是一个常用的动词,可以表示提及某人或某事、涉及到某个话题或概念、指代特定内容等含义。它的同义词有mention、allude to等,但它们在用法和语气上有所不同。在写作或口语中,我们可以根据具体情况选择合适的词汇来表达自己想要表达的意思。


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