
英语口语2024-03-26 14:17:35小编


relate [rɪˈleɪt]

1. 意思:动词,指与某事物或某人有关联,在一起,或者表达出两者之间的相似性、差异性等。

2. 用法:常用于介词to、with、on等后面,表示与某事物或某人有关;也可用作及物动词,后接宾语。

3. 例句:

1) I can't relate to his experiences, as I have never been in a similar situation.


2) The teacher related the story of the famous scientist to her students.


3) The two events are closely related and cannot be considered separately.


4) He has always been able to relate well to children.


5) The movie relates the struggles of a young girl growing up in a poor family.



1. connect:动词,指建立起两者之间的或关系。

例句:The new evidence connects the suspect to the crime scene. (新证据将嫌疑人与案场起来。)

2. associate:动词,指将两者在一起,或者指某人与某事物有关联。

例句:I always associate the smell of coffee with my grandmother's house. (我总是将咖啡的味道和外婆家在一起。)

3. relate to:短语动词,意为“理解、同情或感同身受”。

例句:As a mother, I can relate to the struggles of other working mothers. (作为一个母亲,我能够理解其他职业妈妈的挣扎。)




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