
英语口语2024-03-26 15:13:51小编







1. remind sb of sth/sb:提醒某人某件事/某人

- Can you remind me of the meeting tomorrow?(你能提醒我明天的吗?)

- This song reminds me of my childhood.(这首歌让我想起了我的童年。)

2. remind sb to do sth:提醒某人做某事

- She reminded me to buy some milk on my way home.(她提醒我回家路上买些牛奶。)

- Don't forget, I reminded him, it's your turn to take out the trash tonight.(我提醒他别忘了今晚该你倒垃圾了。)

3. be reminded of sth/sb:被提醒起某件事/某人

- Every time I see this painting, I am reminded of my trip to Paris.(每次看到这幅画,我就想起了我去巴黎的旅行。)

- Looking at her, I am reminded of my late grandmother.(看着她,我想起了我的已故祖母。)

4. remind oneself:提醒自己

- He reminded himself to stay calm in the face of adversity.(他提醒自己在逆境中保持冷静。)

- I had to constantly remind myself to focus on my goals.(我不得不不断提醒自己专注于我的目标。)


1. She set an alarm on her phone to remind herself to take her medication every day.


2. My mother always reminds me to call her once a week.


3. The smell of fresh bread reminds me of my grandmother's house.


4. As soon as I saw the beautiful sunset, it reminded me of our honeymoon in Bali.


5. He constantly reminds himself that hard work will eventually pay off.



1. remember:意为“记得”,强调记忆中的信息或事实。

- I can't remember where I put my keys.(我记不得我把钥匙放在哪里了。)

- She remembered to turn off the lights before leaving the house.(她记得在离开房子前关灯。)

2. recall:意为“回忆起”,强调通过努力想起某件事情。

- I can't recall his name, but I know we went to school together.(我想不起他的名字,但我知道我们一起上过学。)

- After a few minutes, she recalled where she had seen him before.(几分钟后,她回想起在哪里见过他。)

3. recollect:意为“回忆起”,强调通过努力或帮助来想起某件事情。

- It took me a while to recollect what happened that day.(我花了一些时间才回忆起那天发生了什么。)

- With some prompting, he was able to recollect the details of the accident.(经过一些提示,他能够回忆起事故的细节。)




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