
英语口语2024-03-26 16:14:12小编







1. requires + 名词/代词/动名词

:This project requires a lot of time and effort. (这个项目需要大量的时间和精力。)

The job requires someone with strong communication skills. (这份工作需要有强大沟通能力的人。)

His health condition requires constant monitoring. (他的健康状况需要不断监测。)

2. require + 宾语从句

:The teacher requires that all students arrive on time for class. (老师要求所有学生准时到达上课。)

The company requires that applicants have at least three years of work experience. (公司要求申请者至少有三年工作经验。)

3. require + to do

:You are required to submit your report by the end of this week. (你被要求在本周末前提交你的报告。)

Employees are required to wear uniform during working hours. (员工在工作时间被要求穿着制服。)

4. require + that从句

:The law requires that all drivers wear seat belts while driving. (法律规定所有司机在驾驶时都必须系安全带。)

The contract requires that the project be completed within six months. (合同规定这个项目必须在六个月内完成。)


1. The new software requires a faster processor and more memory. (这款新软件需要更快的处理器和更大的内存。)

2. The doctor requires you to take this medicine three times a day. (医生要求你每天服用这种药物三次。)

3. The job posting requires applicants to have a bachelor's degree in computer science. (这份工作的招聘要求申请者拥有计算机科学学士学位。)

4. This experiment requires precise measurements and careful observations. (这个实验需要精确的测量和仔细的观察。)

5. The school requires that all students participate in at least one extracurricular activity per semester. (学校要求所有学生每学期参加至少一项课外活动。)


1. need:与requires意思相同,但need更常用于口语,也可作名词使用。

:I need your help with this project. (我需要你帮助我完成这个项目。)

2. demand:强调对某事物的强制性要求,有时带有命令或威胁的语气。

:The boss demands that everyone work overtime this week. (老板要求本周所有人都加班。)

3. necessitate:更正式的用法,指某事物是必要的或不可避免的。

:The unexpected delay necessitated a change in our travel plans. (意外的延误导致我们必须改变旅行计划。)

4. oblige:强调出于礼貌或道义而做某事。

:I am obliged to inform you that your application has been rejected. (我有义务告诉你,你的申请被拒绝了。)

5. compel:强调对某人施加压力或影响,使其做某事。

:The urgent situation compelled us to take immediate action. (紧急情况迫使我们立即采取行动。)


requires是一个常用的动词,意为“需要”、“要求”,通常用于表示某物或某人对另一件事物的必要性或强制性要求。它可以与名词、代词、动名词、宾语从句以及to do结合使用,并且常与that从句连用。除了与need、demand、necessitate、oblige和compel等近义词有相似之处外,requires也可以作名词使用,表示“需求”。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换requires,以丰富文章表达。


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