1. 保留:当作动词时,reserve常用于表示保留某物或某事物。:
- I have reserved a table at the restaurant for tonight's dinner.(我已经在餐厅预订了今晚的晚餐桌。)
- The company reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time.(公司保留随时更改条款和条件的权利。)
2. 预订:reserve也可以表示预订或预约某物或某事物。:
- We need to reserve a hotel room for our trip next month.(我们需要为下个月的旅行预订一间酒店房间。)
- He has reserved two tickets for the concert tomorrow night.(他已经预订了明晚音乐会的两张票。)
3. 储备:作为名词时,reserve指的是储备物或储备地。:
- The country has large oil reserves that can last for decades.(这个拥有大量石油储备,可以维持数十年之久。)
- The nature reserve is home to many endangered species.(这个自然保护区是许多濒危物种的家园。)
4. 保留:在上,reserve也可以指代保留,即已经退役但仍可以被召回服役的士。:
- He served in the army as a reserve for five years before retiring.(他在退役前作为一名预备役士在服役了五年。)
1. The hotel requires guests to reserve a room at least one week in advance during peak season.(酒店要求客人在旺季至少提前一周预订房间。)
2. I have reserved a copy of the new book at the bookstore.(我已经在书店预订了一本新书的副本。)
3. The government has decided to reserve this area as a national park to protect its unique ecosystem.(已经决定将这个地区保留为公园,以保护其独特的生态。)
4. He was called back to serve as a reserve soldier when the country was in need of more manpower.(当需要更多人力时,他被召回服役作为一名预备役士。)
5. The company has reserved some budget for unexpected expenses that may arise during the project.(公司已经为项目可能出现的意外费用储备了一些预算。)
1. book:作动词时,book可以表示预订或预约某物或某事物。:I have booked a flight to New York for next month.(我已经预订了下个月去纽约的航班。)
2. set aside:作动词时,set aside可以表示储备或留出某物或某时间。:We need to set aside some money for our future plans.(我们需要为将来的计划留出一些钱。)
reserve是一个常用的多义词,可以作为动词和名词使用。作为动词时,它可以表示保留、预订和储备,常用于描述保留某物、预定某事或储备资源。作为名词时,它指的是储备物或储备地。同义词book和set aside也可以用来表示类似的意思。在日常生活中,我们经常会使用reserve这个单词来安排行程、保留资源或保护自然生态环境。