
英语口语2024-03-26 18:03:10小编



returnto是一个动词,意为“返回”、“回到”、“归还”等。它可以指人或物体回到原来的位置或状态,也可以指归还某物给原主或原处。在英语中,returnto通常用作及物动词,其过去式为returned to,过去分词为returned to。


returnto的音标为/ˈrɪtən tu/。


1. returnto可以指人或物体回到原来的位置或状态。

:“After a long day at work, I can't wait to returnto my comfortable bed.”


2. returnto也可以指归还某物给原主或原处。

:“Please remember to return the booksto the library before the due date.”


3. returntocan also mean to resume or go back to a previous activity or situation.

:“After his injury, it took him a while to returnto playing soccer.”


4. 在商业领域中,returntocan also refer to the percentage of profit earned on an investment.

:“The returnon our investment was much higher than we expected.”



1. After a long trip, it's always good to returnto the comfort of your own home.(长途旅行后,回到自己舒适的家总是很好的。)

2. Please make sure to returnthe keys to the front desk before you check out.(请确保在退房前把钥匙还给前台。)

3. The company is hoping to returnto profitability by the end of this year.(公司希望在今年年底能够恢复盈利。)

4. The actress returnedto the stage after a decade-long hiatus from acting.(这位女演员在休息了十年后重新回到舞台上演出。)

5. Despite his busy schedule, he always finds time to returnto his passion for painting.(尽管他的日程很忙,但他总能找到时间回到他对绘画的热爱。)


1. go back to:与returnto意思相同,也可指人或物体回到原来的位置或状态。

:“I'm going back to my hometown for the holidays.”(我要回老家过节了。)

2. bring back:指把某物带回原处。

:“Don't forget to bring back my umbrella when you come home.”(你回家时别忘了把我的伞带回来。)

3. restore:指恢复某物的原状或原有状态。

:“The team is working hard to restore the old building to its former glory.”(团队正在努力把这座老建筑恢复到它曾经的辉煌。)

4. give back:与returnto意思相同,也可指归还某物给原主或原处。

:“I need to give back this book to my friend before she leaves for vacation.”(我需要在她去度假前把这本书还给我的朋友。)


returnto是一个常用的动词,意为“返回”、“回到”、“归还”等。它可以指人或物体回到原来的位置或状态,也可以指归还某物给原主或原处。在商业领域中,returntocan also refer to the percentage of profit earned on an investment。除了returnto外,还有一些同义词如go back to、bring back、restore和give back等都可以表示相似的意思。使用时需要根据语境选择合适的动词。


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