
英语口语2024-03-26 19:32:05小编







1. 作动词时,常用于表示骑马、骑自行车或摩托车等交通工具出发。:

- We will ride out to the countryside tomorrow. (我们明天将骑车去乡村。)

- They often ride out on weekends. (他们经常在周末出去骑车。)

2. 作动词时,也可以表示离开某个地方。:

- He rode out of the city without saying goodbye. (他没有告别就离开了这个城市。)

- The ship has already ridden out of the harbor. (船已经驶出了港口。)

3. 作名词时,常用于指冒险旅行或探险。:

- They went on a rideout to the mountains last summer. (他们去年夏天去山区进行了一次探险旅行。)

- The rideout was full of challenges and excitement. (这次冒险旅行充满了挑战和兴奋。)

4. 在口语中,rideout也可以表示“面对困难或危险”。:

- We need to ride out this difficult time together. (我们需要一起度过这段艰难的时期。)

- She has always been able to ride out any crisis. (她总能应对任何危机。)


1. He rode out of the town on his motorcycle, leaving behind a trail of dust. (他骑着摩托车离开了镇子,留下一条尘土飞扬的路线。)

2. The group decided to ride out to the beach for a picnic. (这个团队决定去海滩野餐。)

3. The adventurers rode out into the desert, ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. (冒险家们出发进入沙漠,准备迎接前方的挑战。)

4. Despite the storm, the captain was determined to ride out and reach their destination on time. (尽管遇到暴风雨,船长仍决心出发并按时到达目的地。)

5. She had to ride out her fear and confront her phobia of heights in order to climb the mountain. (为了攀登这座山,她不得不克服恐高并面对自己的恐惧。)


1. Ride off:与rideout的意思相近,也可以表示“骑走;离开”。:

- He rode off on his horse without looking back. (他骑着马离开了,没有回头看一眼。)

- The thieves rode off with the stolen goods. (小偷们骑着车逃走了带着偷来的东西。)

2. Set out:也可以表示出发或离开某个地方。但与rideout不同的是,set out更多指开始旅行或行动。:

- They set out on their journey early in the morning. (他们一大早就出发开始了旅程。)

- She set out for work at 7 o'clock every morning. (她每天早上7点出发去上班。)

3. Venture out:与rideout的意思相似,也可以表示冒险出发或面对挑战。但venture out更多指冒险性质的活动。:

- They ventured out into the jungle to explore its secrets. (他们冒险进入丛林探索它的秘密。)

- I'm not sure if I'm ready to venture out and start my own business yet. (我不确定我是否准备好冒险开始自己的事业了。)


Rideout是一个常用于口语和书面语中的动词和名词,意为“骑出去;离开;挺身而出”。它可以表示骑马、骑自行车或摩托车等出发,也可以指离开某个地方。作名词时,常用于指冒险旅行或探险。在口语中,它也可以表示面对困难或危险。除了rideout外,还有一些近义词如ride off、set out和venture out,它们的用法和意思也与rideout相似。


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