
英语口语2024-03-26 23:15:14小编





rule [ruːl]


1. 作名词时,rule可指代一种行为准则或者标准。

- According to school rules, students are not allowed to use their phones during class.(根据学校规定,在上课期间学生不允许使用手机。)

- The rules of this game are very simple.(这个游戏的规则很简单。)

2. 作动词时,rule可表示“,”的含义。

- The king ruled the country for over 50 years.(国王这个已经50多年了。)

- Don't let your emotions rule you.(不要让你的情绪左右你。)

3. rule还可以表示“决定”的含义。

- The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.(裁定证据不可采纳。)

- The court ruled in favor of the plaintiff.(判决支持原告。)

4. 在习语中,rule也可以表示“占主导地位,支配”的意思。

- Money rules the world.(金钱决定一切。)

- Love rules his life.(爱占据了他的生活。)


1. According to the school rules, students are not allowed to wear hats in class.


2. The new company policy will come into effect next month, so we all need to follow the new rules.


3. The teacher ruled that the student's excuse for being late was not valid.


4. In this household, my parents' word is law and we all have to follow their rules.


5. As a leader, it's important to set a good example and rule with fairness and kindness.



1. regulation:指、或组织制定的规则,通常用于正式场合。

- The new regulations on air pollution will come into effect next year.(新的空气污染规定将于明年开始实施。)

- The company has strict regulations regarding employee behavior.(公司对员工行为有严格的规定。)

2. guideline:指一种指导性的建议或准则,通常用于指导人们的行为。

- These guidelines will help you write a better essay.(这些指南将帮助你写出更好的文章。)

- We should follow the guidelines to protect the environment.(我们应该遵循这些准则来保护环境。)

3. principle:指一种基本原则或信念,通常用于道德、伦理等方面。

- Honesty is one of his guiding principles in life.(诚实是他生活中的原则之一。)

- The company's success is built on the principle of putting customers first.(公司的成功是建立在以顾客为先的原则上。)




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