
英语口语2024-03-27 05:31:28小编







1. see + 名词

这种用法表示“看到某人/某物”,:“I saw a cat on the street.”(我在街上看到一只猫。)

2. see + 宾语 + 动词原形

这种用法表示“看见某人/某物做了什么事情”,:“I saw her open the door.”(我看见她打开了门。)

3. see + 宾语 + to do

这种用法表示“看见某人/某物打算做什么事情”,:“I saw him go into the house.”(我看见他要进屋子里去。)

4. see + 宾语 + doing

这种用法表示“看见某人/某物正在做什么事情”,:“I saw them playing in the park.”(我看见他们在公园里玩耍。)

5. see to sth.

这种用法表示“负责处理或者照顾某事物”,:“I'll see to the arrangements for the party.”(我会负责安排聚会的事情。)

6. see sb. off

这种用法表示“为某人送行”,:“I went to the airport to see my friend off.”(我去机场为我的朋友送行。)

7. see sb./sth. through sth.

这种用法表示“陪伴某人/某物渡过困难时期”,:“He saw his wife through her illness.”(他陪伴妻子度过了她的病痛。)

8. be seen as

这种用法表示“被视为”,:“He is seen as a leader by his colleagues.”(他被同事们视为。)


1. I saw a beautiful rainbow after the rain yesterday.(昨天下雨后,我看到了一道美丽的彩虹。)

2. She saw her son crying in his room and went to comfort him.(她看见儿子在房间里哭泣,走过去安慰他。)

3. He saw his friend off at the train station and waved goodbye until the train disappeared from sight.(他在火车站为朋友送行,一直挥手道别直到火车消失在视线中。)

4. I saw him playing basketball with his friends in the park yesterday afternoon.(昨天下午我看见他和朋友们在公园里打篮球。)

5. She will see to the arrangements for the wedding while her husband takes care of the invitations.(她会负责婚礼的安排,而她丈夫会负责邀请函。)


1. watch:表示“观看”、“注视”,侧重于持续性的动作。

例句:“I like to watch movies in my free time.”(我喜欢在空闲时间看电影。)

2. look:表示“看”、“望”,侧重于动作本身。

例句:“She looked at her reflection in the mirror.”(她照着镜子里的自己看了一会儿。)

3. observe:表示“观察”、“注意到”,侧重于细致的观察。

例句:“We should observe the traffic rules when driving.”(开车时我们应该遵守交通规则。)

4. glance:表示“扫视”、“匆匆一看”,侧重于短暂的动作。

例句:“I just glanced at the newspaper this morning, I didn't have time to read it.”(今天早上我只是匆匆瞥了一眼报纸,没时间读。)

5. spot:表示“”、“认出”,侧重于突然或者辨认出某物。

例句:“He spotted his old friend in the crowd and went over to say hello.”(他在人群中认出了老朋友,走过去打招呼。)




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