
英语口语2024-03-27 08:06:58小编


shakeoff一词是由shake和off两个单词组合而成的,它的意思是“甩掉、摆脱”、“摇晃”等。这个词最早出现在16世纪,源于中古英语的shaken off,意为“振动、抖落”。它可以作为及物动词或不及物动词使用,常用于口语和书面语中。


shakeoff的音标为/ʃeɪk ɒf/。


作为及物动词时,shakeoff通常指通过快速移动身体或肢体来摆脱某物。:“She tried to shake off the spider that crawled onto her arm.”(她试图甩掉爬到她手臂上的蜘蛛。)此外,它也可以表示通过摇晃来除去身上的灰尘或水滴等。:“He shook off the dust from his jacket before hanging it in the closet.”(他在把夹克挂在衣橱前先甩掉上面的灰尘。)

作为不及物动词时,shakeoff则指身体或肢体发生快速而有力的运动。:“The dog shook off the water after swimming in the lake.”(狗在湖里游泳后甩干了身上的水。)此外,它也可以表示情绪或感觉的改变。:“She couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.”(她无法摆脱不安的感觉。)


1. She tried to shake off his hand, but he held on tightly.(她试图甩开他的手,但他紧紧抓住不放。)

2. The athlete shook off his opponent and crossed the finish line first.(这位运动员甩掉了对手,第一个冲过终点线。)

3. He shook off the cold weather by doing some jumping jacks.(他通过做一些跳跃运动来驱散寒冷的天气。)

4. The cat shook off the water from its fur after getting caught in the rain.(猫在被雨淋湿后抖落身上的水滴。)

5. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake off the memories of her past relationship.(无论她如何努力,都无法摆脱对过去恋情的回忆。)


1. Get rid of:指摆脱某物或某种状态,语气比shakeoff更强烈。

例句:“I need to get rid of this old couch and buy a new one.”(我需要扔掉这张旧沙发,买一张新的。)

2. Shake loose:指通过抖动或移动来除去某物。

例句:“He shook loose the dirt from his shoes before entering the house.”(他在进屋前抖掉了鞋子上的泥土。)

3. Cast off:指从身上或手中甩掉某物。

例句:“The snake cast off its old skin and revealed a shiny new one.”(蛇换下了旧皮,露出一张闪亮的新皮。)

4. Rid:指消除或清除某物,语气比shakeoff更正式。

例句:“We need to rid our house of these pests.”(我们需要清除房子里的这些害虫。)


shakeoff是一个常用的动词,可以表示通过快速移动身体或肢体来摆脱某物,也可以表示身体或肢体发生快速而有力的运动。它的同义词包括get rid of、shake loose、cast off和rid等。在写作中,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换使用,使文章更加丰富多彩。


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