
英语口语2024-03-27 15:59:10小编


1. The politician's speech was just a smokescreen to hide his true intentions. (smokescreen, /ˈsməʊkskriːn/, noun: something that is intended to hide the truth or deceive someone)

2. The company's claims of eco-friendliness were just a smokescreen for their profit-driven practices. (smokescreen, /ˈsməʊkskriːn/, noun: something that is intended to hide the truth or deceive someone)

3. The celebrity's carefully crafted image was nothing but a smokescreen to cover up their problematic behavior. (smokescreen, /ˈsməʊkskriːn/, noun: something that is intended to hide the truth or deceive someone)

4. The government's promise of reform was seen as a smokescreen by the citizens who had lost trust in their leaders. (smokescreen, /ˈsməʊkskriːn/, noun: something that is intended to hide the truth or deceive someone)

5. The company's sudden rebranding seemed like a smokescreen to distract from their recent scandal. (smokescreen, /ˈsməʊkskriːn/, noun: something that is intended to hide the truth or deceive someone)





四:1. 政客的演讲只是为了掩盖他的真实意图。(The politician's speech was just a smokescreen to hide his true intentions.)

2. 公司宣称的环保性只是为了掩盖其以利润为导向的做法。(The company's claims of eco-friendliness were just a smokescreen for their profit-driven practices.)

3. 这位名人精心打造的形象只是为了掩盖其不良行为。(The celebrity's carefully crafted image was nothing but a smokescreen to cover up their problematic behavior.)

4. 改革承诺被公民视为一种幌子,他们已经对失去了信任。(The government's promise of reform was seen as a smokescreen by the citizens who had lost trust in their leaders.)

5. 公司突然改头换面似乎是为了转移人们对最近丑闻的注意力。(The company's sudden rebranding seemed like a smokescreen to distract from their recent scandal.)


1. Pretense(/prɪˈtens/): noun,假装,伪装。可以用来指代某种虚假的行为或言论。

例句:The politician's promise of change was seen as a pretense to win votes.(政客的改革承诺被视为赢得选票的伪装。)

2. Deception(/dɪˈsepʃən/): noun,欺骗,骗局。可以用来指代某种欺骗性的手段或行为。

例句:The company's marketing tactics were a deception to lure in unsuspecting customers.(公司的营销策略是为了吸引毫无戒心的顾客而设下的骗局。)

3. Mask(/mɑːsk/): verb,掩盖,遮蔽。可以用来指代某种掩盖或隐藏真实意图的行为。

例句:The celebrity's public image masks their true personality.(这位名人公众形象掩盖了他们真实的个性。)


Smokescreen一词常被用来指代某种掩盖或欺骗他人的手段或行为。它可以作为名词使用,并常与动词“create”、“hide”、“cover up”等搭配使用。在写作时,可以通过举例来更加生动地解释这个词的意思,同时也可以引用同义词来帮助读者更好地理解。总的来说,smokescreen是一个常用的形容某种虚假或欺骗性行为的词语,可以在日常生活和文学作品中都能见到它的身影。


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