
英语口语2024-03-27 16:47:08小编






1. 作为名词:

a. 指雪:

The snow is falling heavily outside. (外面正在下大雪。)

b. 指一片白茫茫的景象:

The whole mountain was covered with snow. (整座山都被白雪覆盖了。)

2. 作为动词:

a. 下雪:

It's been snowing all day. (整天都在下雪。)

b. 覆盖上雪:

The ground was completely snowed under by the morning. (到早上地面已经完全被积雪覆盖了。)

3. 习语:

a. be snowed in: 被大量积雪困住

We were snowed in for three days during the blizzard. (在暴风雪期间我们被困在家里三天。)

b. go to the snow: 去滑雪

We're planning to go to the snow next weekend. (我们计划下周去滑雪。)


1. The children were delighted to see the first snow of winter. (孩子们看到第一场冬天的雪很开心。)

2. It's so cold outside, I think it might snow tonight. (外面太冷了,我想今晚可能会下雪。)

3. The roads were dangerous and slippery because of the heavy snowfall last night. (昨晚大雪纷飞,路面变得危险而滑溜。)

4. We had to shovel the snow off our driveway this morning before we could leave for work. (今天早上我们必须先把车道上的积雪铲掉才能去上班。)

5. After a long day of skiing, we sat by the fire and watched the snowflakes fall outside. (经过一整天的滑雪,我们坐在火炉旁边看着外面飘落的雪花。)


1. blizzard:暴风雪

A blizzard hit our town last night, causing a lot of damage and power outages.


2. flurry:阵风、小阵雨

There was a flurry of snow this morning, but it sped after a few minutes.


3. frost:霜、结冰

The frost on the ground made it difficult to walk this morning.


4. hail:冰雹

The storm was so strong that it even hailed for a while.


5. sleet:雨夹雪

The weather forecast says there will be sleet tonight, so be careful when driving.





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