
英语口语2024-03-27 22:28:09小编






1. 作为动词:

(1) 挤压:指用力将物体挤压或压榨。:

- She squeezed the lemon to make lemonade. (她挤了柠檬做柠檬水。)

- He squeezed the toothpaste onto his toothbrush. (他把牙膏挤在牙刷上。)

(2) 紧握:指用手或手指紧紧地抓住或拧紧。:

- The child squeezed her mother's hand tightly. (孩子紧紧地握住妈妈的手。)

- He squeezed his eyes shut to block out the bright light. (他闭上眼睛来阻挡强光。)

(3) 压扁:指用力使物体变平或变薄。:

- She squeezed the clay into a flat shape. (她把黏土压成平面形状。)

- The crowd squeezed the man against the wall. (人群把那个人挤到墙边。)

(4) 压榨:指用力从物体中挤出液体或汁液。:

- The farmer squeezed the milk out of the cow. (农民从奶牛身上挤出牛奶。)

- The machine squeezes the juice out of the fruit. (机器从水果中压榨汁液。)

(5) 勉强通过:指在狭小的空间中勉强通过。:

- She managed to squeeze through the narrow gap. (她勉强从狭窄的缝隙中通过。)

- He squeezed himself into the crowded elevator. (他挤进拥挤的电梯里。)

2. 作为名词:

(1) 挤压:指用力将物体挤压或压榨的动作或过程。:

- Give it a good squeeze to get all the juice out. (用力挤一下,把所有的汁液都挤出来。)

(2) 紧握:指用手或手指紧紧地抓住或拧紧的动作或状态。:

- She gave her friend a warm squeeze before saying goodbye. (在告别前,她给了朋友一个温暖的拥抱。)

(3) 紧缩:指物体被压缩变小的状态。:

- The car can fit into tight spaces because of its small squeeze. (这辆车由于小巧,可以停在狭小的空间里。)


1. She squeezed the tube of toothpaste too hard and it exploded all over the bathroom counter. (她把牙膏挤得太用力,结果弄得整个浴室柜台都是。)

2. The child squeezed her teddy bear tightly as she fell asleep. (孩子在入睡时紧紧地抱着她的玩具熊。)

3. He used all his strength to squeeze the door shut, but it still wouldn't close properly. (他用尽全力把门关上,但还是无法完全关闭。)

4. The farmer squeezed the milk out of the cow and poured it into a bucket. (农民从奶牛身上挤出牛奶,然后倒进桶里。)

5. The crowd was so tightly packed that I could barely squeeze through to get to the front. (人群太拥挤了,我几乎无法挤过去到前面去。)


1. Press: 指用手或物体施加压力来移动或改变物体的形状。

- She pressed her hand against the wound to s the bleeding.


- He pressed his lips together in frustration.


2. Squeeze out: 指从物体中挤出液体或汁液。

- The juice was squeezed out of the orange.


- She squeezed out a few drops of lotion onto her hand.


3. Compress: 指用压力使物体变小或变薄。

- The machine compresses the metal into thin sheets.


- He compressed his lips in an attempt to control his emotions.


4. Clasp: 指用手或手指紧紧地抓住或拧紧。

- She clasped her hands together in prayer.


- He clasped the handlebars tightly while riding his bike.


5. Grasp: 指用力握住物体。

- The child grasped her mother's hand as they crossed the street.


- He grasped the concept quickly and was able to solve the problem easily.



squeeze是一个常用的动词,可以指挤压、紧握、压扁、压榨以及勉强通过。它也可以作为名词,指挤压、紧握或紧缩的动作或状态。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词来描述用力挤压物体、紧紧抓住某物或勉强通过狭小的空间。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有一些类似的词汇,如crush、squeeze in、squeeze through等,都可以根据具体语境来选择使用。最后,要注意squeeze也可以表示“挤兑;欺压”的意思,在这种情况下,它通常是贬义的。


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