
英语口语2024-03-28 02:27:11小编






1. 名词用法:

- The constant strain of caring for her sick mother has taken a toll on her health. (照顾生病母亲的不断压力已经对她的健康产生了影响。)

- The strain on the rope was too much and it eventually snapped. (绳子的拉力太大,最终断裂了。)

- This particular strain of bacteria is resistant to most antibiotics. (这种特殊的细菌品种对大多数抗生素都有抵抗力。)

2. 动词用法:

- She strained to lift the heavy box onto the shelf. (她竭尽全力将沉重的箱子举到架子上。)

- He strained his eyes trying to read the small print in the dim light. (他努力在昏暗的光线下阅读小字体。)

- She strained her voice shouting at the concert last night. (昨晚在音乐会上她大声喊叫导致嗓子发炎。)


1. The constant strain of work and family responsibilities can be overwhelming. (工作和家庭责任的持续压力可能会让人不堪重负。)

2. The strain on the bridge was too much and it collapsed under the weight of the heavy truck. (桥上的压力太大,重型卡车的重量导致它坍塌。)

3. This particular strain of virus is highly contagious and has caused a widespread epidemic. (这种特殊的病毒非常具有传染性,已经引发了广泛的流行病。)

4. She strained her muscles while lifting weights at the gym. (在健身房举重时她拉伤了肌肉。)

5. The singer strained her vocal cords during the concert, but still managed to finish the show. (歌手在音乐会上拉伤了声带,但仍然成功完成了演出。)


1. stress:指生理或心理上的紧张、压力或焦虑。

- The stress of her job was causing health problems.


- He is under a lot of stress trying to balance work and family life.


2. pressure:指外部施加在某物或某人身上的强制性影响。

- The pressure from his parents to succeed was overwhelming.


- The pressure of competition can be both motivating and stressful.


3. tension:指紧张或不安的情绪状态。

- There was a lot of tension in the room before the exam.


- The political tension between the two countries has been ongoing for years.





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