
英语口语2024-03-28 02:29:15小编




strand的音标为 [strænd],发音为 /strænd/。


1. 名词:作为名词时,strand表示“一股”、“一束”或者“一缕”,通常指某种物质或事物的细长部分。

- A strand of hair was caught in the zipper of her coat. (她衣服的拉链里卡着一根头发。)

- The necklace was made of delicate strands of pearls. (这条项链是由精致的珍珠串成的。)

2. 动词:作为动词时,strand表示“使滞留”、“使搁浅”或者“使被困”。常用于被动语态。

- The ship was stranded on a sandbar. (船只搁浅在沙洲上。)

- He was stranded in the airport due to a flight delay. (由于航班延误,他被困在机场里。)

3. 可数名词:在某些情况下,strand也可以作为可数名词使用,表示“海滩”、“岸边”或者“沙滩”。通常用复数形式。

- We walked along the strands and enjoyed the beautiful sunset. (我们沿着海滩散步,欣赏美丽的日落。)

- We spent the whole day playing on the sandy strands. (我们整天都在沙滩上玩耍。)

4. 不可数名词:strand也可以作为不可数名词,表示“肌肉纤维”。通常用单数形式。

- Her muscles were strained and she could barely move. (她的肌肉拉伤了,几乎无法动弹。)


1. The spider carefully spun a strand of silk to catch its prey. (蜘蛛小心地织出一根蛛丝来捕捉猎物。)

2. The old man walked along the beach, picking up shells from the strand. (老人沿着海滩走,捡起了沙滩上的贝壳。)

3. She was stranded on a deserted island after her boat sank in a storm. (在暴风雨中船只沉没后,她被困在了一座荒岛上。)

4. The doctor explained that a strain in her calf muscle was causing her pain. (医生解释说她小腿肌肉的劳损导致了疼痛。)

5. He found himself stranded in a foreign country with no money or passport. (他自己被困在一个陌生的,没有钱和。)


1. thread:作为名词,表示“线”、“丝”,也可以作为动词,表示“穿线”、“穿过”。

- She used a needle and thread to sew the button back on her shirt. (她用针和线把纽扣重新缝在衬衫上。)

- The path was threaded through the forest. (小路穿过了森林。)

2. filament:作为名词,表示“细丝”、“灯丝”,也可以作为动词,表示“使成丝状”。

- The filament in the light bulb burned out, so we had to replace it. (灯泡里的灯丝烧坏了,我们不得不换掉它。)

- The spider filaments were barely visible against the dark background. (蜘蛛的细丝在黑暗的背景下几乎看不见。)

3. fiber:作为名词,表示“纤维”、“纤维素”,也可以作为动词,表示“使成纤维状”。

- Foods high in fiber are good for your digestive system. (富含纤维的食物对你的消化有益。)

- The fabric is made from natural fibers such as cotton and linen. (这种面料是由棉花和亚麻等天然纤维制成的。)




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