
英语口语2024-03-28 06:43:06小编







1. 作为名词,supply常用于以下几种情况:

a. 用于表示提供物品或服务的行为:The supply of food and water is essential for survival.(食物和水的供给对生存至关重要。)

b. 用于表示可用的物品或服务:The supply of electricity has been cut off due to the storm.(由于暴风雨,电力供应被切断了。)

c. 用于表示某种资源或物品的总量:The supply of oil is limited and will eventually run out.(石油资源有限,最终会耗尽。)

2. 作为动词,supply常用于以下几种情况:

a. 用于表示向某人提供所需的物品或服务:The organization has supplied food and water to the affected areas.(该组织向受灾地区提供了食物和水。)

b. 用于表示补充或提供所缺少的物品或服务:The company will supply the necessary equipment for the project.(公司将为这个项目提供必要的设备。)

c. 用于表示充足地提供某种物品:The factory supplies the local market with fresh produce.(工厂向当地市场提供新鲜农产品。)


1. The government has promised to increase the supply of affordable housing for low-income families.(承诺增加廉价住房的供给,以满足低收入家庭的需求。)

2. The hospital is running low on medical supplies and is in urgent need of donations.(医院药品储备不足,急需捐赠。)

3. The company has a steady supply of raw materials, which ensures smooth production.(公司有稳定的原材料供应,保证了生产顺利进行。)

4. The local farmers have been struggling to meet the demand for fresh produce due to the limited water supply in the area.(由于该地区水资源有限,当地农民一直在努力满足对新鲜农产品的需求。)

5. The organization has been supplying aid and relief to the victims of the natural disaster.(该组织一直向自然灾害受灾者提供援助和救济。)


1. provide:与supply意思相似,都表示“提供,供给”,但provide更侧重于主动性,指主动为某人或某物提供所需的东西。

例句:The company provides its employees with training opportunities to improve their skills.(公司为员工提供培训机会,以提高他们的技能。)

2. furnish:与supply意思相近,都有“提供,供给”的含义,但furnish更侧重于为特定目的提供所需的东西。

例句:The hotel will furnish guests with complimentary toiletries during their stay.(酒店将在客人入住期间免费提供洗浴用品。)

3. equip:与supply意思相似,也有“装备,配备”的含义,但equip更侧重于为特定目的准备所需的物品。

例句:The school has equipped all its classrooms with the latest technology for interactive learning.(学校已经为所有教室配备了最新的互动学习技术。)

4. stock:与supply意思相近,都有“储备,存货”的含义,但stock更侧重于指商店、仓库等地方存放的物品。

例句:The supermarket has stocked up on supplies for the upcoming holiday season.(超市已经储备了即将到来的假日季节所需的物品。)




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