
英语口语2024-03-28 07:51:16小编







1. 作为名词时,swarm常用来形容一大群昆虫或者其他小动物聚集在一起。:

- A swarm of bees is flying towards us. (一群蜜蜂正在向我们飞来。)

- The sky was darkened by a swarm of locusts. (天空被一大群蝗虫遮蔽了。)

2. 作为动词时,swarm常用来表示成群地移动或者聚集在一起。:

- The children swarmed around the ice cream truck. (孩子们围着冰淇淋车挤成一团。)

- People swarmed into the stadium to watch the football match. (人们涌入体育场观看足球比赛。)

3. Swarm也可以用来指人类的行为方式,表示像昆虫般挤在一起。:

- The shoppers swarmed into the store during the sale. (折扣期间,顾客们像蚂蚁一样涌入商店。)

- Fans swarmed the streets to celebrate their team's victory. (球迷们涌上街头庆祝自己球队的胜利。)

4. Swarm还可以用来指大量的物体或者人聚集在一起形成的景象。:

- A swarm of stars filled the night sky. (一群星星点缀了夜空。)

- The conference hall was filled with a swarm of people. (厅里挤满了人群。)


1. A swarm of mosquitoes attacked us as soon as we stepped outside. (我们一出门就被一群蚊子攻击了。)

2. The city was swarmed by tourists during the holiday season. (节假日期间,城市被游客挤爆了。)

3. Children swarmed around the clown, eager to get a balloon animal from him. (孩子们围着小丑,渴望从他那里得到一个气球动物。)

4. As soon as the store announced its clearance sale, customers swarmed in to grab the best deals. (商店宣布清仓大甩卖后,顾客们纷纷涌入抢购最划算的商品。)

5. A swarm of protesters marched through the streets, demanding justice for the victims of police brutality. (一群者穿过街道,要求为遭受的受害者伸张正义。)


1. Flock: 指鸟类、羊群或者人群聚集在一起。

- A flock of geese flew overhead. (一群鹅从头顶飞过。)

- Tourists flocked to the beach during the summer vacation. (暑假期间,游客们涌向海滩。)

2. Herd: 指牛、羊等家畜聚集在一起。

- A herd of cows grazed in the field. (一群牛在田野里吃草。)

- The shepherd herded his sheep into the barn for the night. (牧羊人把他的绵羊赶进谷仓过夜。)

3. Horde: 指大量的人或物聚集在一起,通常带有贬义。

- A horde of tourists flooded into the theme park, causing chaos and disorder. (一大批游客涌入主题公园,造成混乱和无序。)

- The horde of ants quickly devoured the crumbs on the kitchen floor. (一大堆蚂蚁迅速吞噬了厨房地板上的面包屑。)




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