
英语口语2024-03-28 10:32:10小编







1. 作为动词时,takeover常用于表示接管某物或某人的权。:

- The new CEO is planning to takeover the company next month.

- The military staged a coup and took over the government.

- The rebels have taken over the city.

2. 作为名词时,takeover通常指一家公司收购另一家公司的股份。:

- The takeover of the small startup by the tech giant made headlines.

- The company's stock price soared after news of a potential takeover.


1. The company's board of directors approved the takeover bid from its compe. 公司董事会批准了来自竞争对手的收购要约。

2. After months of negotiations, the takeover was finally completed last week. 经过数月的谈判,上周终于完成了收购。

3. The company's shares rose sharply after rumors of a possible takeover by a larger corporation. 据传可能会被一家更大的公司收购后,该公司的股价急剧上涨。

4. The takeover of the struggling airline by a wealthy investor saved it from bankruptcy. 富有的投资者接管这家陷入困境的航空公司,使其免于破产。

5. The government is considering a takeover of the failing healthcare system to improve its services. 正在考虑接管不景气的医疗,以改善其服务质量。


1. Acquire:指获得某物或某人的所有权或权。与takeover类似,但更强调获得所有权或权。:The company acquired its rival in a ile takeover.

2. Merger:指两个或多个公司合并成为一个新的实体。与takeover不同,合并是双方自愿达成协议,而非单方面接管。:The merger between the two airlines created the largest carrier in the country.

3. Buyout:指通过购买股份或股票来获得对一家公司的权。与takeover类似,但通常指小规模的收购行为。:The company's founder orchestrated a buyout to regain control of the business.

4. Acquisition:指获得某物或某人作为财产、资源或业务部门。与takeover类似,但更广泛地涵盖了各种类型的获得行为。:The company's recent acquisition of a new technology has boosted its market share.

5. Hostile takeover:指未经目标公司同意,通过购买股份或股票来获得对其权的行为。与takeover类似,但强调了对方的反对态度。:The ile takeover attempt was met with strong resistance from the target company.




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