thesartorialist [səˈtɔːriəlɪst]
1. The sartorial choices of the guests at the fashion show caught the attention of the thesartorialist who was present to capture the best street style looks. (在时装秀上,嘉宾们的穿衣选择吸引了正在场内捕捉最佳街拍造型的thesartorialist。)
2. As a fashion blogger, she has been recognized as a thesartorialist and has been invited to attend major fashion events around the world. (作为一名时尚博主,她被认可为thesartorialist,受邀参加世界各地的重要时尚活动。)
3. The magazine featured an interview with the famous thesartorialist, who shared his thoughts on the current trends in menswear. (该杂志刊登了一篇对著名thesartorialist的采访,他分享了关于男装当前流行趋势的看法。)
4. She has been praised for her impeccable taste in fashion and has been hailed as a true thesartorialist by many in the industry. (她因其无可挑剔的时尚品味而受到赞扬,并被业内许多人誉为真正的thesartorialist。)
5. The street style photographer is often referred to as a thesartorialist for his ability to capture unique and stylish outfits on everyday people. (这位街拍摄影师经常被称为thesartorialist,因为他有能力捕捉普通人身上独特且时尚的服饰搭配。)
1. Fashionista - 指对时尚有着敏锐眼光、善于穿衣打扮的人,可以用来替换thesartorialist。
2. Style influencer - 指那些通过个人风格和穿搭影响他人的人,也可以用来形容thesartorialist。
3. Trendsetter - 指那些引领潮流、影响时尚趋势的人,可以用来形容具有thesartorialist特质的人。
4. Fashion-forward - 指那些敢于尝试新潮流、跟上时尚前沿的人,也可以用来形容thesartorialist。
5. Dapper - 指穿着讲究、有品位的男性,可以用来形容具有thesartorialist特质的男性。
thesartorialist是一个形容对时尚有着独特见解并将其展现在个人风格中的人的复合词。它通常作为名词使用,可以指代某个具有影响力的时尚博主、摄影师或者时尚编辑,也可以指代某个具有独特穿衣风格的普通人。同义词包括fashionista、style influencer、trendsetter等。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,需要对时尚行业和相关术语有所了解,并且能够准确地将其翻译成中文以及提供相关例句和同义词。