
英语口语2024-03-28 21:52:01小编






1. 作为名词:

- The ticktack of the clock grew louder as the hour approached.


- The sound of the horse's hooves was like a constant ticktack.


2. 作为动词:

- The rain ticktacked against the window all night.


- She nervously tapped her foot, making a ticktacking sound.



1. The old grandfather clock in the corner of the room kept perfect time, its steady ticktack filling the silence.


2. The teacher's pen ticktacked on the whiteboard as she wrote down the lesson for the day.


3. The ticktack of high heels echoed through the hallway as the models walked towards the stage.


4. The sound of the typewriter's keys ticktacking was a familiar background noise in the newsroom.


5. The toddler was fascinated by the ticktack of raindrops on the window, pressing his face against it to get a closer look.



1. Click-clack:也表示“嘀嗒声”或“滴答声”,常用来形容快速连续的敲击或击打声。

- The click-clack of the train wheels could be heard from far away.


2. Ticking:与ticktack一样,也可以作为名词和动词使用,表示“滴答声”或“发出滴答声”。

- The ticking of the clock was the only sound in the room.


- The raindrops ticking against the window were soothing to listen to.


3. Tapping:与ticktack类似,也可以表示“轻敲”或“轻击”的动作和发出的声音。

- She was tapping her pencil against her notebook, lost in thought.


- The sound of rain tapping on the roof was calming and peaceful.





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