
英语口语2024-03-29 03:14:05小编






1. 作名词时,Tran通常指的是交通工具、货物或者信息的运输。:

- The tran of goods between the two countries has greatly facilitated trade.(两国之间货物的运输极大地促进了贸易。)

- The airport is a major tran hub for both passengers and cargo.(这个机场是旅客和货物的主要交通枢纽。)

2. 作动词时,Tran则表示将某物从一个地方转移到另一个地方。:

- The company has decided to tran its production facilities to a new location.(公司决定将生产设施转移到一个新地点。)

- Please make sure to tran the documents to the correct department.(请确保将文件传递给正确的部门。)

3. Tran也可以用来表示交易或者买卖。:

- The company has completed a tran of its shares to a foreign investor.(公司已经向外国投资者完成了股权交易。)

- He made a good profit from the tran of his old car.(他从旧车的买卖中获得了不错的利润。)


1. The tran of information through the internet has made communication much easier.(通过互联网传递信息使得沟通变得更加容易。)

2. The government is planning to invest in tran infrastructure to improve transportation efficiency.(计划投资于交通基础设施,以提高运输效率。)

3. She used a cart to tran her luggage from the train station to her hotel.(她用手推车将行李从火车站运送到酒店。)

4. The company is looking for a reliable shipping company to tran its products overseas.(公司正在寻找一家可靠的货运公司将产品运往海外。)

5. He made a fortune by buying and selling houses, but he lost everything in a bad tran.(他通过买卖房子赚了一大笔钱,但在一次糟糕的交易中失去了所有财产。)


1. Transport:作名词时,意为“运输”、“交通”,作动词时,意为“运输”、“搬运”。与Tran相比,Transport更常用于指人或物的移动过程。

例句:The transport of goods by sea is generally cheaper than by air.(海上货物运输通常比空运便宜。)

2. Transfer:作名词时,意为“转移”、“调动”,作动词时,意为“转移”、“调动”或者“转换”。与Tran相比,Transfer更常用于指物品、人员或者信息的移动过程。

例句:She has been transferred to the company's branch office in New York.(她被调往公司在纽约的分公司。)

3. Exchange:作名词时,意为“交换”、“兑换”,作动词时,意为“交换”、“兑换”或者“交易”。与Tran相比,Exchange更常用于指物品、货币或者信息的交换。

例句:The students are encouraged to participate in cultural exchange programs with foreign universities.(学生被鼓励参加与外国大学的文化交流项目。)




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