
英语口语2024-03-29 06:17:00小编





[ˈtɜːn ʌp]


1. 表示出现或到场:

- She didn't turn up for the meeting. (她没来参加。)

- The missing dog finally turned up in the neighbor's yard. (失踪的狗最终出现在邻居家的院子里。)

2. 表示参加活动或:

- Are you going to turn up for the party tonight? (你今晚会来参加派对吗?)

- I hope a lot of people will turn up for the fundraiser. (我希望很多人会来参加这次筹款活动。)

3. 表示物体向上翻折或翻转:

- She turned up her collar to keep out the cold wind. (她把领子翻起来挡住冷风。)

- He turned up his nose at the idea of eating insects. (他对吃昆虫的想法不屑一顾。)


1. The police are still searching for the missing girl, but she hasn't turned up yet. (仍在寻找失踪的女孩,但她还没有出现。)

2. We were worried that no one would turn up for our charity event, but to our surprise, a lot of people came. (我们担心没人会来参加我们的慈善活动,但令我们惊讶的是,很多人都来了。)

3. Can you believe it? Tom actually turned up at the party wearing a suit and tie! (你能相信吗?汤姆居然穿着西装领带来参加派对!)

4. I'm sorry I'm late, I didn't expect so many people to turn up for the concert. (抱歉我迟到了,我没想到这么多人会来参加音乐会。)

5. The corners of her mouth turned up in a small smile as she read the letter from her long-lost friend. (当她读到那封来自失散已久的朋友的信时,嘴角扬起了微笑。)


1. appear:与turn-up相似,表示某人或某物出现或到达某个地方。

2. show up:与turn-up意思相同,也可用于口语中。

3. attend:表示某人参加某个活动或。

4. flip up:与turn-up意思相似,表示物体的一部分向上翻折或翻转。

5. pop up:与turn-up意思相同,也可用于口语中。


turn-up是一个常用于口语中的动词短语,意为“出现;出席;到场”。它可以表示某人或某物在某个地方出现或到达,也可以表示某人参加某个活动或。此外,它还可以用来指物体的一部分向上翻折或翻转。同义词包括appear、show up、attend等。在使用时需要注意上下文语境,并且可以根据需要选择合适的同义词替换。


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