
英语口语2024-03-29 06:59:04小编




1. 扭曲:指用力使物体变形或改变原来的形状。

例句:She twisted the wire into a circle.(她把铁丝扭成了一个圆圈。)

2. 扭转:指改变原来的方向或状态。

例句:The car twisted and turned along the narrow road.(汽车在狭窄的路上弯弯拐拐地前进。)

3. 转动:指物体围绕中心轴旋转。

例句:The wind twisted the branches of the tree.(风把树枝吹得乱摇。)

4. 曲折:指路线或故事等有许多弯曲和变化。

例句:The plot of the movie has many twists and turns.(这部电影的情节有许多曲折和变化。)




1. twist作为动词时,常与介词to连用,表示“使某物扭曲”、“使某物发生转折”等。

He twisted his ankle when he fell off the ladder.(他从梯子上摔下来时扭伤了脚踝。)

The news was twisted to fit their own agenda.(这则新闻被歪曲以符合他们的议程。)

2. twist也可以作为名词,表示“扭曲、曲折”的意思。

The twist in the road made it difficult to drive.(路上的弯曲让开车很困难。)

She gave the handle a twist and opened the door.(她转动了把手,打开了门。)


1. She twisted her hair into a bun and secured it with a hairpin.


2. The detective's mind was constantly twisting and turning, trying to solve the case.


3. The magician's trick involved twisting a deck of cards into impossible shapes.


4. The politician twisted the truth in order to gain more votes.


5. She twisted her ankle while hiking in the mountains and had to be carried back to camp.



1. rotate:意为“旋转、转动”,强调物体围绕中心轴的旋转。

The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours.(地球每24小时绕自身轴旋转一周。)

2. bend:意为“弯曲、屈服”,也可指物体的形状或路线有所变化。

He bent down to pick up the coin.(他弯下腰捡起硬币。)

The river bends around the mountain.(这条河在山脉周围弯曲。)

3. distort:意为“扭曲、歪曲”,常指改变事实或。

The media often distorts the truth to get more readers.(媒体经常歪曲事实以吸引更多读者。)

4. twirl:意为“旋转、打转”,侧重于快速而有节奏地旋转。

The little girl twirled in her pretty dress.(小女孩穿着漂亮的裙子打着圈子。)

5. contort:意为“扭曲、扭动”,常指因痛苦或恐惧而扭动身体。

His face was contorted with pain.(他的脸因痛苦而扭曲。)




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