
英语口语2024-03-29 17:48:11小编




wasted的音标为 /ˈweɪstɪd/。


1. 作为形容词时,wasted通常表示“被浪费的”、“被消耗掉的”,也可以指“虚度”的状态。:

- Don't leave the water running, it's just wasted.(别让水一直流着,太浪费了。)

- She felt like her life was wasted on meaningless things.(她觉得自己的生活被无意义的事情所浪费了。)

2. 作为动词时,wasted指“浪费”、“消耗掉”,也可以指“虚度”时间。:

- He wasted all his money on gambling.(他把所有钱都赌光了。)

- I don't want to waste any more time on this project.(我不想再在这个项目上浪费时间了。)

3. 作为名词时,wasted表示“废弃物”,也可以指“虚度”的状态。:

- The city has a problem with managing its industrial waste.(这个城市在处理工业废弃物方面存在问题。)

- After a night of partying, she woke up feeling wasted.(狂欢一晚后,她醒来觉得浑身无力。)


1. He was wasted after staying up all night studying for the exam.(他为了考试整夜未眠,结果精疲力尽。)

2. The food was delicious, but it's such a shame that you couldn't finish it all and it went to waste.(食物很美味,但可惜你没能吃完,全都浪费了。)

3. She felt like her talents were being wasted in her current job, so she decided to look for a new one.(她觉得自己在现在的工作中才华被浪费了,于是决定找一份新工作。)

4. I can't believe we wasted our whole vacation waiting in line at the amusement park.(我简直不敢相信我们整个假期都浪费在排长队的游乐园里了。)

5. The company is trying to reduce the amount of wasted materials in their production process.(公司正在努力减少生产过程中的废料量。)


1. Squander:指“挥霍”、“浪费”,语气更强烈。

2. Misspend:指“错用”、“滥用”,强调行动的不当。

3. Idle away:指“虚度”、“消耗”,通常指虚度时间。

4. Exhaust:指“耗尽”、“消耗殆尽”,强调物质或精力的消耗。

5. Waste away:指“慢慢消瘦”、“衰弱”,也可以指“浪费”。


wasted是一个常用的英语单词,它可以用作形容词、动词或名词,最常见的意思是“浪费”、“消耗”或“虚度”。它的同义词有squander、misspend、idle away等,但每个词都有自己的特定用法和语气。在使用时,需要根据具体情况选择合适的词汇来表达。


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