
英语口语2024-03-29 18:58:15小编







1. 作为名词:

(1) 指杂草或野草:We need to pull out all the weeds in the garden before planting new flowers.

(2) 指不需要的事物或人:She is a weed in our team, we need to get rid of her.

(3) 指:Marijuana, also known as weed, is illegal in many countries.

2. 作为动词:

(1) 清除杂草或野草:The farmer spends hours every day weeding his fields.

(2) 清除不需要的事物或人:The company needs to weed out unqualified employees.

(3) 抽掉:He was caught by the police for weeding in public.


1. The garden was full of weeds, so I spent the whole afternoon pulling them out. 花园里长满了杂草,所以我花了整个下午把它们拔掉。

2. We need to weed out the bad apples in our team, they are affecting our performance. 我们需要清除团队中的败笔,他们正在影响我们的表现。

3. The farmer has to weed his fields every day to ensure the crops can grow healthily. 农民每天都要除草,以确保庄稼能够健康生长。

4. The police found a large amount of weed in his possession, so he was arrested for drug possession. 在他身上大量的,所以他因为持有被逮捕了。

5. She is like a weed, no matter how much we try to get rid of her, she always comes back. 她就像是一株野草,无论我们怎么试图摆脱她,她总是会再次出现。


1. grass:指任何种类的植物,常用来形容野草或不需要的植物。:We need to mow the grass in our backyard.

2. herb:指具有调味或医疗作用的植物。:I love using fresh herbs in my cooking.

3. marijuana:也称为或pot,是指一种具有致幻作用的。:He was arrested for selling marijuana.

4. pull out:意为“拔出”,常用来指拔除杂草。:We need to pull out all the weeds before they spread.

5. eliminate:意为“消除”,常用来指清除不需要的事物或人。:The company needs to eliminate inefficient processes.


weed这个单词既可以作为名词,指杂草或野草,也可以作为动词,指清除杂草或野草。在日常生活中,我们可以用它来形容不需要的事物或人,也可以用来指。除了以上提到的同义词外,还有一些类似的词汇如weed out、weed killer等都与weed有关联。因此,在使用这个单词时,我们需要根据具体语境来选择合适的意思。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用这个单词。


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