
英语口语2024-03-29 19:04:29小编






1. 作为动词:

a. 表示哭泣:She wept bitterly when she heard the news.(当她听到这个消息时,她伤心地哭了。)

b. 表示流出液体:The wound wept pus.(伤口渗出脓液。)

c. 表示悲叹:He wept for the loss of his friend.(他因失去朋友而悲伤。)

2. 作为名词:

a. 指哭泣:Her loud weep could be heard from across the room.(她大声的哭声可以从房间对面听到。)

b. 指眼泪:Tears streamed down her cheeks in a steady weep.(眼泪从她脸颊上稳定地流下来。)


1. She couldn't help but weep when she saw the heartbreaking scene in front of her.


2. The mother wept with joy when she held her newborn baby in her arms.


3. He wept tears of regret as he watched his dream slip away.


4. The old man's eyes were filled with weeps as he listened to the sad song.


5. The little girl's loud weep could be heard throughout the house, causing her parents to rush to her side.



1. Cry:表示哭泣或者发出某种声音来表达情感。常用来表示轻微的哭泣。

例句:The baby started to cry when she saw a stranger approaching.(当宝宝看到陌生人靠近时,她开始哭了。)

2. Sob:表示剧烈地哭泣,通常伴随着喘息或者抽噎。

例句:She sobbed uncontrollably at the funeral of her best friend.(在她最好朋友的葬礼上,她无法地抽泣。)

3. Wail:表示大声哭泣,通常伴随着哀号或者呻吟。

例句:The woman wailed in grief when she heard the news of her husband's death.(当这个女人听到她丈夫去世的消息时,她悲伤地哀号起来。)

4. Bawl:表示大声地哭泣,通常伴随着大声的喊叫。

例句:The child bawled loudly when he fell and scraped his knee.(当孩子摔倒刮伤了膝盖时,他大声地哭喊起来。)


weep作为一个常用的词汇,在表达情感上具有强烈的感染力。它可以用来形容轻微的哭泣,也可以用来形容剧烈的悲伤和悲痛。除了作为动词和名词使用外,它还可以构成一些常用的短语,weep for、weep with joy等。在写作中,我们可以根据具体情境选择合适的同义词来表达不同程度的哭泣。


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