
英语口语2024-03-29 21:43:09小编







1. 作为名词,指鸟类、昆虫或飞行器等物体的翅膀部分。

The bird spread its wings and flew away. (这只鸟展开翅膀飞走了。)

The butterfly's wings were colorful and beautiful. (蝴蝶的翅膀五颜六色,非常美丽。)

2. 比喻人们的梦想、希望或抱负。

She has big dreams and wants to spread her wings and fly. (她有很大的梦想,想要展开双翼飞翔。)

It's time for us to leave the nest and spread our wings. (是时候让我们离开巢穴,展开双翼了。)

3. 在某些特定场合也可以表示支持或帮助。

We need to give them a helping hand and be their wings. (我们需要给予他们帮助,成为他们的支持。)

4. 在一些烹饪食谱中,wings也可以指鸡翅膀。

I love to eat chicken wings with spicy sauce. (我喜欢吃加了辣酱的鸡翅膀。)


1. The eagle spread its powerful wings and soared high in the sky.


2. She finally had the opportunity to spread her wings and pursue her dream of becoming a singer.


3. With the support of his family, he was able to spread his wings and start his own business.


4. The chef's specialty is spicy chicken wings, which are always a hit at the restaurant.


5. She felt like she was flying with joy and excitement, her heart full of hope and her wings ready to take her anywhere she wanted.



1. feathers:指鸟类身上的羽毛,也可以比喻指某人的轻盈感。

The peacock's feathers were colorful and beautiful. (孔雀的羽毛五颜六色,非常美丽。)

She felt like she was walking on feathers, so light and carefree. (她感觉自己像是在踩着羽毛一样轻盈自在。)

2. fins:指鱼类、海豚等水生动物身上的鳍状器官,也可以用来比喻某人的辅助工具。

The shark's fins help it swim quickly in the water. (鲨鱼的鳍帮助它在水中快速游动。)

She used her fins, also known as crutches, to walk after her leg injury. (她用腋杖来行走,也被称为拐杖。)

3. propellers:指飞机或船只等运输工具上产生推进力的旋转装置。

The plane's propellers spun faster as it prepared for takeoff. (飞机起飞前,螺旋桨转得更快了。)

The boat's propellers were damaged in the storm and it couldn't move. (船只在暴风雨中螺旋桨受损,无法前进。)


wings这个词可以指鸟类、昆虫或飞行器等物体的翅膀部分,也可以比喻人们的梦想、希望或抱负。它还有其他一些用法,如表示支持或帮助,在烹饪食谱中指鸡翅膀等。在写作中,我们可以用wings来形容飞行、自由和轻盈的感觉,或者用来比喻人们追求梦想和抱负的过程。同时,wings也可以与其他一些词语搭配使用,如spread one's wings(展开双翼)、give someone wings(给予某人帮助)等。总的来说,wings是一个多义且富有表现力的词语,在日常生活和文学作品中都有广泛的应用。


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