
英语口语2024-03-29 22:26:08小编





withregardto的读音为/wɪð rɪˈgɑːd tuː/。


1. withregardto作为介词短语,常用来引出对某件事物或主题的关注。:

- With regard to the recent changes in the company, we have decided to hold a meeting to discuss our concerns.(就公司最近的变化而言,我们决定召开来讨论我们的担忧。)

- I am writing to you with regard to your job application.(我写信给你是关于你的工作申请。)

2. withregardto还可以用来表示“有关;涉及到”的意思。:

- This report covers all the issues with regard to environmental protection.(这份报告涵盖了所有有关环境保护的问题。)

- The contract clearly states the responsibilities of both parties with regard to this project.(合同明确规定了双方在这个项目中的责任。)

3. 除了作为介词短语,withregardto还可以作为名词regard的复数形式,意为“关心;尊敬”。:

- He showed no regard for the safety of others.(他对他人的安全毫不在乎。)

- She has high regards for her boss.(她非常尊敬她的老板。)


1. With regard to your request for a raise, I will have to discuss with the management team first.(就你要求加薪一事,我必须先和管理团队讨论。)

2. The company has strict policies with regard to punctuality and attendance.(公司对准时和出勤有严格的规定。)

3. With regard to the recent events, we have decided to cancel the trip for safety reasons.(考虑到最近发生的,我们决定出于安全考虑取消这次旅行。)

4. The teacher praised the students' efforts with regard to their academic achievements.(老师赞扬了学生们在学业成就方面所付出的努力。)

5. The company values its employees and always takes their opinions into regard when making important decisions.(公司重视员工,并且在做重大决定时总是考虑他们的意见。)


1. concerning:也是一个介词,意为“关于;就…而言”,与withregardto的用法相同。:I am writing to you concerning your job application.(我写信给你是关于你的工作申请。)

2. regarding:也是一个介词,意为“关于;就…而言”,与withregardto的用法相同。:With regard to the recent changes in the company, we have decided to hold a meeting to discuss our concerns.(就公司最近的变化而言,我们决定召开来讨论我们的担忧。)

3. as for:也是一个介词短语,意为“至于;就…而言”,与withregardto的用法类似,但更口语化。:As for the weather, it looks like it's going to rain.(至于天气,看起来要下雨了。)




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